murder in New York

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A/N - Just a little idea I came up with inspired by A Kiss Before Dying <3


Matt's pov:

"All you had to do was keep your mouth shut...Then maybe things would've been different."

I stare at my old friend before covering him with a blanket. That's when I hear a knock on the door that catches my attention. "I'll be back," I say and leave to answer it. A young woman roughly my age is standing there with dark sunglasses on and a notepad in hand. But the first thing I notice on her is the gun in her waistband.

"Afternoon, I'm detective Y/n Y/l/n. May I come in for a chat?" The lady greets, holding up a badge to prove she's not a fake.

"Sure," I step aside and let her into my house.

She peers around curiously before we sit together on the couch. She removes her sunglasses and instantly I'm in awe of her beauty. Her eyes glimmer in the sunlight that shines through the windows and her lips are coated in red gloss. "There's a very important matter I'd like to discuss with you," she begins and opens the note pad "There's been a kidnapping on the block, are you aware of this Mr Dillon?"

I freeze, "How do you know my name?"

"I know everybody in this neighbourhood, Matt," she replies firmly.

The way she says my name drips like honey, I can't help but imagine her almost moaning my name- ugh focus Matthew!

"I wasn't aware," I say calmly.

"This is the victim," she pulls out a photograph and hands it to me. I stare at the face that stares back at me, not a single trace of a smile in sight. "I've never seen this person before," I tell her. "Are you sure? Any information about this heinous crime would be helpful to me" Y/n replies. I shake my head "I've got nothing, sorry."

"You live alone, don't you?"

I raise my eyebrow in suspicion.

"What're you trying to say?"

"It's always useful to have an alibi, it's even more useful if there's someone to confirm that alibi" Y/n states firmly "What were you doing on the evening of the twelfth Mr Dillon?"

"I was at home relaxing after a long day at work, you know how it is" I explain.

She takes a deep breath and scribbles down in her book.

"Nothing else?"

"Nothing at all,"

The way she stares at me I can tell she almost doesn't believe me. After a few minutes of scrutinizing me, she nods. "Do you mind if I take a look around your lovely home?" She questions. "Not at all," we stand up and I follow her from room to room. I try not to stare at her ass but it sure does look good in that grey pantsuit she's wearing, such a treat to the male gaze.

"You're small for a detective" I comment. Beside me, I easily tower over her but she's not intimidated by our height difference. She looks up to meet my eyes, her lips curl slightly into a cocky smirk. "Never underestimate a small person. Trust me, you don't want to fuck with me."

Oh Y/n, but I do...

"Yes ma'am," I nod.

The last room we check is the basement. It feels like there's a knot in my throat but I ignore it, focusing on the corner. "It's messy in here, why's that?" Y/n requests, nudging at boxes and other objects with her foot. "I came back from a camping trip not long ago, haven't had the chance to tidy" I shrug. "Hm," she bluntly responds. I watch as she walks over near the corner.

"You sleep down here or something?"


"The blankets" she points at the floor.

"Just a spare one, it gets cold in the winter" I smile.

Y/n lingers down here for longer than I hoped. She's smart, I'll give her that credit. She senses things maybe another person wouldn't. But unfortunately for her, she's not smart enough. Y/n pulls out a handheld radio transceiver and speaks into it "Matthew Raymond Dillon is clear. I'm going onto the next house."

Together, we walk back upstairs.

"I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to deal with this, have a nice evening and don't hesitate to call me if anything changes" Y/n pulls out a business card and hands it to me. "It was a pleasure to meet you, even in these tragic circumstances," I reply. She nods and I watch as the detective makes her way onto the next street.

Sighing in relief, I close the door and head to the kitchen in urgent need of a coffee.

If only Y/n had found the body in my basement...

Matt Dillon imagines ♡Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora