Chapter 8

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Thorin led me back to camp where a warm fire awaited me. Fili rushed over and swooped me into a bear hug squeezing the air from my lungs. I braced the palm of my hand on his shoulder trying to slip my lungs above his arms to breathe.

"Thank you, Lakota." Fili mumbled into my body. "How can I ever repay you?"

I gasped. "By trying not to snap me in half?"

Fili set me back down, releasing me from his grip. "Sorry."

Fili and the other dwarves mothered Kili and I, serving us hand and foot by the fire. Even little Bilbo came over to check on me with a cup of heavenly tea. Oin examined Kili and I determined that we were unfit to travel until morning. Not wanting to leave the comfy bedroll Ori had set up for me I felt relieved Throin agreed to settle for the night. Thorin and Dwalin were leaving to go on a hunt for dinner. Dwalin came over to thank me while Thorin draped his coat over my body before setting out.

I must have drifted off to sleep not long after Thorin and Dwalin left. When I woke, Kylie held a bowl of stew for me and the two dwarves sat across the fire eating. I sat up feeling hot, sore and troubled with a headache. When I took the bowl, my fingers brushed Kylie's and she immediately placed the back of her hand to my forehead.

"Lakota, how do you feel?" She asked.

I gave her a crossed look. "Tired."

"You're warm."

"Kylie, I'm wearing my full armor, a blanket and an extra coat next to a fire. Of course, I'm warm." I scarfed down my dinner and handed back the bowl in time for Bilbo to bring me another cup of tea. "Kili is fine and I will be too."

"If it wasn't for me none of this would have happened." Kili said.

I rolled my eyes and groaned at the company. "Stop it Kili, or I will come over there and hit you. It was an accident." I laid back down after finishing my tea. "Now try to get some rest." I turned my back from the fire falling back into a deep slumber.

My deep sleep lightened up until I laid awake with my eyes closed in a light sweat. My throat burned, my muscles ached to the bone and my head swished like liquid in a bottle. Sliding one hand out from my bed roll onto the cold ground I felt the contrast of my feverish body and the bitter night.

"Kylie was right about her." I heard Balin's whisper nearby.

Another blanket laid over my aching body weighing me down. "I hope that will be enough to keep her warm." A soft young voice spoke over me. Little Ori's footsteps traveled over to Balin's voice. "Should we wake Thorin or Oin?"

"Wake me about what?" The gruffy voice of the king made himself known.

"Uh," Ori stuttered. "Lakota seems to have a fever, so I gave her another blanket."

The sound of scuffing on the ground caught my ears followed by soft footsteps. A warm wide hand pressed against my forehead and I resisted the urge to move. "Wake Oin, Balin. Ori, start brewing some tea." Thorin ordered as he peeled away some of the covers. "Lakota wake up." I grumbled at him, making him physically lift me up in a sitting position. "Wake up."

"Why?" I rubbed my eyes to the campfire lit night.

"You're sick and you need to drink some tea." Thorin brushed the hair from my face and I began to scratch at my armor, suffocating my chest. "You need to take this off." Thorin without warning unclasped the outer parts of my armor, setting them aside leaving me in my black under armor. Ori carried over a fresh cup of tea. "Drink Lakota."

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