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Henry prov

We got back to the cabin and Jake  took  out a pen and I saw a blue flash coming from the pen I thought about asking Jake about the flash but I decided to wait we walked inside the cabin

Jake said "we will spend the night here" and he put on a movie I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that Jake and I had another brother but now understand why when i was a  little kid my mom was so distanced she never seemed to spend any time with me wait I wasn't potty-trained until 7 years old, and I started potty training when I was 6 how did I forget I wasn't potty tried until 7 and Jake was the one the potty-trained me and I now remember I didn't start wetting the bed when I was 8 I Have always wet the bed and Jake took care of it by getting me pull-ups, and I've always like to wear them I kept thinking about this until Jake said "ok Henry time for you to go to bed" I looked at the clock, and it was 11pm and Jake took me to a bedroom and shuts the door

He said " so Henry you're probably wondering why you forgot you weren't potty-trained until you were 7 and that I was the one that potty-trained you and that you always wet the bed well Henry I erased yours and mom's memory of that and the blue flash from the pen unerased those memories"

I said "so Jake, why wasn't I potty-trained until 7"

Jake said "Henry after mason and dad died, mom became very depressed, and it affected her so much she couldn't take care of us. She was only able to make sure we had food, and we didn't hurt are self but wasn't there for are  other needs, and I was there for you but until I was 8 I wasn't ready to potty-train you, and it took about a year to get you potty-trained "

I said "yea I remember mom changing my diaper and then when I was 4 you took over changing me you were 6 I can't imagine having the responsibility to raise your little brother at 6. I remember you were always there for me, and you never went out with friends you always stayed home and looked after me, I remember mom only getting out of bed to cook then she went right back to her room sorry Jake"

Jake said, "Henry for what"

I said "it's because of me you never had friends or a childhood"

Jake said "no Henry you're not to blame. Henry I never really fit in with kids my age thinking back I think I understood too much to be able to fit in"

I said "how  were you able to keep it together when dad killed himself and mom lost it"

Jake Said " Henry I think it because of mason. Henry mason and I were always very close to each and when he got sick mom and dad couldn't take time off from work, so there were lots of times when it would just be him and i and no matter how sick mason never let it get to him, I'm not saying he didn't have days was sad or angry but he stayed happy and that gave me the strength to get through the hard times"

I said " Jake thank you for everything, you are the best brother anyone could ask for"

Jake said " good night Henry" and pick me up and change me into a clean pull-up and put my pajamas on me and put me on my bed and pull the covers over me and brush his hand though my hair Jake then left the room and I fell asleep

Henry Where stories live. Discover now