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My first instinctive reaction was rejecting that proposition flatly. I had come to kill Sally and Nina. I wouldn't kill that flakey just because Elideth had an overprotection feeling about Freddie's physical safety.

Refusing to do it, brought me her ostracism. In all this time we've never argued about anything apart from the usual disagreements between a couple of friends. I regarded Elideth my friend. A very beloved friend.

It was not easy to take her indifference. She refused to talk to me and didn't want to reason about my decision. She retired into her own shell.

- Won't you ever talk to me?

- I've said don't talk to me.

- Oh, come on, Eli. Don't be a little girl. It's crazy... do you really want somebody else's death just because jealousy?

- Excuse me? Jealousy? How do you dare to call it jealousy when I can't sleep a wink thinking something could happen to him with that neanderthal by his side?

- We know the future. We know it won't last long and he won't do any physical damage to Freddie.

- Do you think the moral and emotional damage doesn't matter? Really?

- Eli...

- And besides, we got no guarantee that he really got to beat him once in a while. Freddie was blindly infatuated with that guy. He might hurt him physically. I'm sure of that.

- I don't want to say this but...

- Say it.

- But it's what Freddie wants right now. And I think it's wiser for your part being patient. Bill Reid got his days numbered...

- I can't take it. Can't you see?

- I can see it clearly

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- I can see it clearly.

- You can't see anything. You don't have any idea what Elideth Mercury Polley is about and find myself where I am now. With no influence over him, being within striking distance of a sure divorce and having to grow up my son practically on my own. Sometimes I feel myself like a single mother.

- It's not true. Freddie is always very aware of the baby and you.

- Now everything is different between us. Maybe in another circumstance I could deal with Bill Reid, but not now.

- Tell me how can I help you. And I'm doing it. You know I'll do.

Elideth was on the edge and she couldn't go on any longer with her hostile attitude to me. I could see it in her weary eyes.

- God, forgive me. My mind went numb for a moment. How could I come up with that idea? Sending you to kill that guy as my hit man? What's up with me?

- Come here, sweetheart -I opened up my arms and she slid quickly into them. She was my own beautiful kitten longing affection-. Don't you worry. I understand you. You're going through a bad patch. For better or for worse, we'll come through this. You are made for each other.

TURN BACK THE TIME, BABE. BOOK 6. READY TO RELOADWhere stories live. Discover now