𝑣𝑖𝑖𝑖. 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑 𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑑𝑎𝑦

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"No, Josie, I'm not yanking your dick. It happened just like I told you, I swear...oh alright, give Sabrina a big hug and tell her I love her...okay, bye." I hang up as I walk into the doors of MUSE. Is it odd that I have first day jitters? Or would it be second-first day jitters? I don't really know what term would explain this feeling. I don't understand why I'm afraid of returning to something I created. Maybe because it's so different.

It all feels surreal. Am I happy to have MUSE back? Yes! I am beyond overjoyed. I'm not particularly proud of what I did to get here, but it's a secret I'll take to my grave. I spent the weekend looking over graphs and charts and spreadsheets and documents and contracts, but none of it made sense. Sam said that Cassidy was running it into the ground, and while it was nowhere near as profitable as it'd been under my supervision, it was still making money. Cassidy was more than happy with it, and it had turned her into a media darling, so why would he give it back to me?

As much fun as it is, sitting and analyzing Sam's motives, I don't have the time nor the energy to do so. Along with signing the company over to me, he also signed the office back over. All this in exchange for what's left of my dignity? Not too bad, seeing as there wasn't very much left. It was tempting to go in wearing my pajamas like I used to, but I'll save that for another day. Today, I have to meet with The Board of Trustees for the first time in two days. For today, I settled on a lacy black tanktop and a matching skirt and blazer set.

I wonder if the media knows I've gotten MUSE back...I don't want to know. I don't really care, either.

Everything at the office is the same. The same walls that transition from mauve to cream, the same plants, the same furniture. At least down here on the first level..it's all the same. Thank God. Everything that I loved about working in the offices remains unscathed by Sam and Cassidy. There's not a hint of Cassidy to be se—

"Well, well, well!" You have to be kidding. The universe might actually have it out for me. "If it isn't the founder herself!"

Cassidy approaches me, her usually neat brown hair sticking out at odd angles, her green eyes narrowed with rage. She's clutching a large brown box in her neatly manicured hands. I wonder how much Sam told her. "Cassidy...do you want a brush?"

"Ha-ha, very funny. I know you're bitter and all from things that happened who the hell knows when, but to swipe MUSE from me after all I've done for it is just cold!" She exclaims. If I focus hard enough, I think that I can see steam flowing from her ears.

"Don't worry, Cassidy, I just thought of a great idea for your next company! You're so good at moving boxes out of my building, maybe you should invest in a moving company. Even better, you could found one."

"Save it, Cooper!" she snaps. "You haven't changed at all in the last two years. You're still as spiteful and mean as ever!"

It feels wrong to take so much joy in her being upset, but I don't really care. It's more fun bantering with her than it is with Sam. I may not be able to get a rise out of him, but one word against her, and Cassidy loses her shit. She's always been like that, even when we were teenagers auditioning for Swan Lake and I was given Odette/Odile. She's hated me ever since. I think that may have been where all of this started, at least between us.

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