𝑖𝑥. 𝑎𝑛 𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛

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Tristan had to return to his law firm after lunch, much to my chagrin. I wish he could have stuck around longer, but I have work to do. As I get ready to review MUSE's activities over the last two years, a tall girl that reminds me of Cassidy in her younger years. She's clutching a binder so tightly that the tips of her fingers have turned white.

"Can I help you?" I ask, returning my gaze to the documents about Elysian.

"Do you know where Cass— Mrs. Wayne is? I'm her assistant."

I look back up at her as I realize why she reminds me so much of Cassidy. "You're her little sister, right? Lauren?"

She nods hesitantly. "Yes...why?"

Well, shit. I figured Cassidy would have told her assistant about the change in leadership, especially since it's her sister. Apparently not. Maybe she's playing dumb so she can keep the job and relay information to Sam and Cassidy. Maybe not, and it's just the paranoia talking. Regardless of why she wasn't informed, I can't take a chance like that.

"Are those the files detailing the merger with The Olivette?" I motion to the binder.

She nods again. "She asked me to bring it to her this morning."

"Well," I give her a tight lipped smile. She's innocent in all this, but she looks so much like Cassidy and it makes me dislike her. Rude? Yes. But understandable? I think so. "Cassidy's no longer working here, so you can just leave that here with me."

"What?" Genuine shock crosses her face. I almost feel bad for what I'm about to do to poor Lauren.


"Since she no longer works here, it's probably for the best that we terminate your employment as well." I look into her eyes. "I'm sure you understand the conflict of interest."

"You..." she pauses. Swallows. Takes a moment to process the situation at hand. "You're firing me?"

"I didn't want to use those words, but yes," I answer as I flip through the binder. The merger was handled far too well. Sam probably had a hand in it. He's the one who went to Harvard Business School, she didn't. Either that, or she was hit with an uncommon stroke of genius when it occurred. It seems like she was unsure of how she wanted to integrate The Olivette's existing audience. I'll have to work on that.

Lauren stares at me, astonished. Various emotions cross her face before she lands on anger. "Things were a lot better when you were gone."

"I imagine they were for you, seeing as you still had a job." I say coolly, turning to the next page of the binder.

Lauren doesn't say another word. She just turns and leaves the office. Looks like I've got to get myself a new assistant. I was hoping she hadn't fired Mia, but I suppose I expected too much. I doubt she would want to return to all this, so I make a note to put out a hiring ad. On top of that, I've got a meeting with The Board. There's a chance that she switched out members, but I highly doubt it. The only way to replace them is by majority vote, but I guess we'll find out.

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