𝑥𝑖. 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑜𝑎𝑟𝑑

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The next day is a bright, beautiful Thursday morning with the Earth offering up every pleasantry it can to make today as bearable as can be.

Unfortunately for both the Earth and myself, I am extremely hungover. Against my better judgment, I drank until I passed out down here with Alexander and Jesse, throwing all my inhibitions to the wind. But as soon as I pried my eyes open this morning, they had returned to me, acting as though they were never gone to begin with.

I groan quietly, pressing my hands against my face as life enters my stiff and dormant muscles. If it were in the cards for me, I'd just go upstairs and sleep it off in bed instead of on the couch. I'd do nothing more than lounge about and enjoy the warm spring air. But, much to my chagrin, I have to go to MUSE today to meet The Board. I'm not dreading it as much as my words make it seem, I just want to go back to sleep. Delilah had texted me details about the meeting at some point last night, but I was so drunk that I can barely remember what she said beyond the meeting is at one o'clock.

The clock on the wall reads ten-thirty. I've got time.

Since I'll be at the office today, I can ask about what happened last night. Even with all the alcohol coursing through my veins, I could still picture her unfocused gaze burning a hole through my chest, the quickness of her breath and general uncertainty that was out of character for her. Delilah's usually laser focused on everything, even on her worst days. When it comes to her, every movement of the eye and every slight twitch of the lips are intentional. But not then. It was all spur of the moment, as though something had caught her off guard and she was unable to recover from the interruption. I have my ideas, but I can't truly pinpoint what riled her up.

Following a quick shower and a breakfast consisting of a few pieces of toast with jelly and orange juice, I throw on a navy blue suit and make the drive to the office. It feels like not much has changed, even though so much has, as I make the drive to MUSE. I remember that even after Sam took over, there were days where I would find myself driving past the office, intending to go inside, only to remember that there was no one inside that I cared about. No one inside that would make me smile. No one I ever wanted to see smile. Without her, that building was just a reminder of a life I never thought I'd go back to. But here we are. Delilah's back in her rightful place, and I'm the newest addition to her Board of Trustees.

As I walk to the elevator, I recall the long, sleepless nights when Delilah, Alexander, Jesse, Ophelia and I would stay here to decorate each and every room. Delilah and I spent so long working on painting the gradient on all of the walls. At some points, we wanted to hire a company just to do it for us, but secretly all of us were enjoying the activity. By the time we were done, it was yet another thing that brought us all close together as a group. Even though I was present, I wasn't really there...so drawn in on myself that I was just going through the motions. Nobody else realized it, but Delilah knew. Yet...she let me, still being the best friend I could ask for, even when I didn't deserve it. I'll never understand why.

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