CHAPTER 30: An effective curse

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When Sana arrived in front of the High Priestess' office to assure her guard with Yangcha, he was already there. Standing straight, she guessed he hadn't been allowed in yet because Tanya wasn't ready after the night. "She is angry at us, isn't she?" she had asked him after having greeted him.

He shook his head, even if she had raised her voice, it wasn't because of anger she had done so.

"I am sure she is, she is disappointed, we failed her," Sana continued.

Yangcha sighed, he saw the tears in Sana's eyes and he understood how strong her bond with Enoria was. "She is not angry, just worried," he told the young warrior whose eyes widened out of surprise, hearing Yangcha's voice for the first time.

Sana was about to say something but Yangcha escaped a potential conversation when the maids who had finished preparing Tanya went out and he was able to take back his place inside the Priestess' room. 

And it was with a smile that Sana entered just behind him.


At lunchtime, the Priestess went once again to help feed the children of the stone factory.  They all greeted her with happy faces when she entered. They knew it was a break time from their work when she was there, though the owner disapproved of that and didn't miss to show it though he was saying nothing.

She enjoyed being with them. They were simple, innocent and she wished sometimes she could go back to being simple rather than having so many responsibilities. Sana's popularity among the children had risen at the moment she had entered the factory with biscuits to share, and though Yangcha always stayed far from them, Tanya could hear in his mind he didn't actually dislike them.

When it was time to leave them to their work again, it was with a pang Tanya said goodbye to them. She wished she could do more for them but how? They were slaves and even if Tagon was to accept for their names to be changed into workers, would it really change something for them?

She was walking back to the Shrine, concentrating on trying to find a solution when she heard murmures: "Why is she doing this?" 

"What did you say?" she asked, turning to Yangcha and Sana who were just behind her.

"Nothing, Niruha," Sana had replied.

She had looked at Yangcha too but she knew his voice and it wasn't his she had just heard. She looked around her, there were many people outside at that time of the day and she wondered who had said those words but no one was talking to her. The people had bowed to her then had gone back to their respective works.

"Does she actually enjoy seeing us working? Life must be easy for her in her luxury room."

She almost turned to her two warriors again but she didn't. It wasn't them she was hearing, and it wasn't someone talking either, thoughts, she was hearing the people' thoughts.

"She cares more about the slaves than us. They are fifthly people, why does she pass her time with them?"

"Are you feeling alright, Niruha?" Sana asked the Priestess who didn't seem to hear her. 

Tanya was too focused on looking all around her in the hope to find whose thoughts she was hearing.

"After all, she is a barbarian too, that must be why she is close to them."

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