A Kiss to Seal the Deal

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Anthony felt as if his entire body was on fire. Lava oozed through all his pores. No this couldn't be. He could not want her. Her! Of all people. She infuriated him, made him speechless, bested him at almost everything and was the only woman who made him doubt his own intelligence. She was also the only woman who never looked at him as one of those starry-eyed debutants. She looked him with disdain, with a gaze that meant she knew her worth and he wasn't worthy of her. He, the Viscount Bridgerton wasn't good enough for Kate Sharma. At least, that's what she behaved like.

No, it wouldn't do. He shouldn't lust after the only woman who didn't want him. Anthony chuckled to himself, this was fate, cruel and maddening. He had to find a way to end his plight. It had been a week since he had truly worked upon his estate matters. The blasted woman had consumed all his thoughts. She was like the plague, yes that was the word he thought. A very sensuous, titillating plague with a swan like neck, pitch black eyes and long lazy lashes that would make the perfect couch for all his dreams. If only she'd stop challenging him every step of the way, No, thought Anthony, that wouldn't be like Kate.

Right then, she walked into the room, his plague, his boon, his bane, his kryptonite. Anthony felt as if someone had emptied a bucket of ice on him and yet he was burning. He was so aware of her. There could have been innumerable, countless gorgeous women and objects in that room and he knew, his eyes would only look at her. Follow her every movement, her laugh, the small delicate tendrils fanning her face, the flowers adorning her braided coiffure. But she didn't spare him a glance. Not even a "Good Day Lord Bridgerton". Was he that insignificant to her? Was this deliciously gorgeous woman so oblivious to the spell she had cast on him?

He walked towards her while she was admiring a statue. "How pleasant to see you Miss Sharma" he said. His voice came out rather strained. Dammit, thought he. "Good Morning my Lord, she curtseyed prettily and added, " I had not imagined you to be an admirer of Art My Lord" . Anthony shrugged, "Eloise was interested, I merely accompanied her." "Oh, I see", she replied.

But she did not see, thought Anthony. How he wished, she could see. He was at a loss for words again, she had that effect on him. She was dressed in a lilac gown which made her brown skin look effervescent. "Not many people have arrived as of yet", she commented. "Well it is still quite early Miss Sharma, I'm sure many will arrive post lunch" he said. She nodded and went back to staring at the statue. Anthony turned to look at it and the sight made his cheeks burn. He mentally reprimanded himself for acting like a schoolboy but then, the statue was quite...well notorious. How was Kate looking at this without blushing? There stood in front of them, a Grecian couple with ethereal features, all over each other. Their unmentionables staring right at the viewers. Anthony cleared his throat. "Is something the matter my Lord?" she asked, looking at him as if it was the most normal sight for her. "Well yes, perfectly fine Miss Sharma. Its just that, this statue is quite unsuitable for such a public display. Would you not agree? "He remarked politely. Kate turned to face him and gave a puzzled expression. "Art isn't supposed to be suitable My Lord. It is supposed to be striking and awakening and scintillating, which is what this artist precisely wishes to show." Anthony could only nod his head and mutter "Quite so".

Ah, how foolish he must have sounded. All his good sense told him to take his leave from there. He would send the carriage back for Eloise. But his feet did not move. It was as if his soul needed this proximity. Kate suddenly looked around the room, startled to see that there was no one there. "We must leave My Lord, lest any one sees us here together and screams Scandal!" she almost laughed as she said it. The thought of them together seemed silly at first but she could not dismiss it quickly. It was insane she thought, Anthony and her? No way. They were poles apart and complete opposites and yet when he looked at her, right there, right then, she swore she saw a possibility. She quickly brought herself back to reality. But, Anthony was looking at her in a strange way. What was that in his eyes? Desire? She wanted to pinch herself at the absurdity of the thought. Maybe he thought her mad. Yes that was it. She must be looking insane with all these thoughts rushing past her head and her face depicting all these expressions. But he was still looking. And suddenly the space between them appeared to be very less. She felt hot. Beads of perspiration decorating her forehead.

Anthony saw a million things reflected on her face within a mere second. As if she'd had a glimpse of the entire story of what had tormented him for so long. She was breathing heavily, and the rise and fall of her chest was quite... enchanting to look at. Anthony felt his breeches tightening. Bloody Hell, he thought. This minx made him lose every sense of social decorum. He wondered if she would let him kiss her. From her expression it seemed as if she was contemplating the same. Anthony slightly moved forward, just to map her reaction. She did not flinch or move back. A good sign indeed. The next second his lips were on hers.

Elixir, thought Anthony. She was his elixir to life. She tasted sweet, innocent and all things good in this vile world. She the best goddamn thing he had ever tasted and he knew, he knew that once would never be enough. Hell, a lifetime would fall short. He impatiently tugged at her lower lip with his teeth, earning a whimper that allowed his tongue to delve deeper into her mouth. His hands cupped her derrière and it was every bit soft as he had imagined. His heart rejoiced when she finally started kissing him back. It was shy, innocent and curious and Anthony loved it. He knew he should stop before he frightened her with his ardour. No she was too sheltered to know what a red blooded man like him truly desired of a woman. Anthony kissed and nibbled her neck and jawline and Kate thought she would practically melt into the floor with all these sensations hitting her all at once. She felt her knees buckling but Anthony held her against him like a rock. She felt his hands on her decolletage and this broke her reverie. No! This was too far! She put her hands against his chest and steadied herself. Anthony immediately broke the kiss. Kate looked confused and breathless. She was panting softly and her hair was ruined. Anthony took a step back and took a few moments to calm himself before he uttered his next words.

"Miss Sharma, please do not be alarmed. I am a gentleman, and I would never ever take such liberties with a young lady and walk away. I respect you and your intelligence far too much for that. You must allow me to ask your father for your hand in marriage." He stated. Kate was too shocked to respond. Marriage? To the Viscount? The Viscount whom she had just kissed. Her first kiss, might she add. She would be a Viscountess. Mama would certainly be very happy. Oh but! He was only asking her out of a sense of duty. There were no feelings involved. He did not like her that way. But did she like him? She had never considered this before. It was all too much. Too overwhelming. "My Lord, she started." No, Miss Sharma, I can see it. You have doubts. I want to give you your time and space to think about your answer but I must clarify something from my behalf." Anthony stopped to take a breath.

"I am not doing this out of a sense of duty. No one saw us hence I can easily dust off any responsibility I feel towards the matter. And as far as I know you, you wouldn't tell a soul about it too. Mis Sharma, I have wanted you since the first day we met at dawn, racing our horses. You are extremely beautiful yes, but your mind is worth a thousand times more than that. Your intellect is as sharp as your perception, and your humor as engaging as your eyes. I am in awe of you. You have entrapped my soul from the very first day and I will be damned if I don't tell you how ardently, irrevocably I admire and love you. This is why I want to marry you. And I would consider myself the luckiest of all men, if you would agree to be mine. For this life and thereafter."

Kate stood enthralled. His words ringing in her ears and making soft music with her heart thumping wildly. It would require sometime to allow all this new information to settle. She could not give a hasty answer. Not to him. Not to herself. She needed to reflect upon this. This was a whole new angle. Her heart seemed warm and his ardour and words completely shook her inner equilibrium. Could she see him as a suitor? Perhaps, yes. He was devilishly handsome after all. But would he suit her? She would find out, she guessed.

"My Lord, I have no words to say right now. This has been most unexpected and though I am hopeful, I cannot give a definite answer to you right now. But I am certain that I am not even slightly averse to the idea but you must allow me to have some time to ponder over this." She replied, nervously.

"Very well, Miss Sharma, Anthony smiled," I will call upon you tomorrow and might I hope to be allowed to court you properly?" Kate blushed and nodded. She needed to give this a chance. This may pan out nicely.

As Anthony sat in his carriage back home, he couldn't stop wondering what the recent future was going to look like. He felt warm and giddy inside. He laughed at himself, Kate usually had that effect on him. 

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