Making Amends (Continuation of Never be Alone with a Gentleman)

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Sleep had eluded both of them. Kate had taken her mare for a ride at dawn. She needed to be alone. She needed to cool off. She needed to think. And right now, galloping on her mare was the only activity that allowed her to do so. Her braid had come undone. Her hair was flying wildly behind her. Her cape had fallen off a long time ago. She had no riding habit on. She must be looking positively scandalous, she thought. The thought brought a slight smirk on her face. Well, she would do whatever pleased her from now on, propriety be damned. It had been too long since she had lived for herself and she had to change that before it turned her into a confused and resentful human being. She would deal with the whole Edwina-Anthony debacle once she got back to Aubrey Hall but right now, she wanted to be free. She wanted to let loose and not care. And for the first time since many months, she actually didn't. To hell with the Ton, she thought, to hell with her sister's love story, to hell with her own love for Anthony, and most of all to hell with the goddamn Viscount who had ruined her calm, collected demeanor and had made her second guess every decision and question every thought. Blasted man! How dare he claim to be in love with her while being betrothed to his sister! How dare he maul her, molest her, ruin her modesty as a bargain for her sister's heart? The man had absolutely no honor. But all said and done, Kate still felt the pain. The forbidden love that she had for him, the humiliation she had to undergo last night just because he couldn't deal with the decisions he had made. Kate wanted to hate him. It would have been so much easier if she did. But she didn't. She never could. Till the day she died, Kate Sharma's heart would belong to the Viscount. Who claimed to love her. But was marrying her sister.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Anthony knew Kate would leave Aubrey Hall for a ride. He knew he had to make amends but he still did not know how. Kate's words wanted him to marry Edwina but her heart didn't. He did not know which would cause her more pain, if he married Edwina or if he broke their engagement and went for Kate? Would Kate forgive him for breaking her sister's heart and causing a rift between the two sisters? There was also the incident of last night, where he had lost all self-control and allowed his base, animalistic needs to prevail. He desired Kate, burned for her even but he had shown her his disgusting side and Anthony prayed she would forgive him. He had taken liberties, major ones and by virtue of being a gentleman he should declare himself to Kate's mother and Lady Danbury and ask for her hand in marriage. But he knew he couldn't take this decision away from Kate. Her answer should be hers and hers alone.

He found her by the lake, sitting under a tree looking dazed. Her mare was tied to a tree nearby. Kate looked unkempt. Her hair was untied and running wild, her cape was lying near her feet and her eyes held a sad, forlorn look as if they were on the brink of losing all semblance of hope. Had he done this to her? Anthony mentally cursed himself. He would spend his entire life making it up to her, if she agreed to be his wife. He would kiss the ground she walked on, but he needed her to say yes. That too, out of her own volition.

Kate's gaze fell upon him and within a second, anger flashed in her eyes. "What more do you want Lord Bridgerton?" she said, gritting her teeth. "Kate, I..." began Anthony. "It is Miss Sharma for you My Lord!" Kate interrupted. "My apologies, Miss Sharma I have come to apologize. I cannot and will not marry Edwina" He declared, "I know I am at fault but I would much rather end the engagement and cause her pain now than make her be a part of a loveless marriage. She is far from a simpleton and no matter where you decide to go Miss Sharma, your sister would soon realise that my heart beats only and only for you. I respect her too much to deceive her so. Not when she can most certainly find love and happiness with someone. She does deserve true love and devotion; would you not agree?" Anthony stopped to breathe and his eyes begged Kate to understand. Kate was conflicted. He was right, she knew but oh to be the reason for Edwina's heartache, she could not stomach it.

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