Gardens are made for Sinning

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It was the most tantalizing red he had ever seen. It was a most sinful red and yet Kate looked almost innocent in it, with an ethereal, otherworldly air about her. He stood transfixed as he stared at her almost gliding across the hall. She barely glanced at him as she laughed and conversed with the members of the Ton with such addictive manners, causing Anthony to sigh frustratingly. The minx knew what she was doing; she was driving him mad with her presence. His breath hitched as she bent her head back in deep laughter, showing a daring expanse of skin with her bodice almost too revealing, bordering on scandalous. Such a tease, thought Anthony. But he knew he deserved it. He had taken far too long to make a move and had all but rejected her last month; and now he was paying the price for his sheer stupidity. He was about to lose Kate.

Oblivious to Anthony's inner turmoil, Kate forced herself to act normal in the crowd. She had no clue whether Anthony was in attendance or not and honestly, she dreaded seeing him. His rejection had destroyed her and it had taken a whole month for her to come back to society and diffuse the rumours. She would not shed another tear over him, she promised herself. She would find happiness elsewhere, with someone else. She was worthy of being loved and she would learn to love again. There was no way she would deprive herself of happiness just because Lord Bridgerton could not make up his mind.

She smiled as Lord Cornwall came up to her. He had lovely manners and she agreed for a dance. As she placed her gloved hand in his, she felt proud of herself. Proud for moving on, for giving herself the opportunity and for making an effort. Lord Cornwall was an excellent dancer and an even better conversationalist. Kate could barely keep a straight face with her partner making humorous comments about a few members of the Ton. He made her laugh and Kate realised it had been too long since she had laughed with such abandon.

Rather ominously, Kate felt a pair of eyes on her. She did not have to look to figure out who was watching her with such murderous intensity. Her face fell and she looked like she was going to be sick. Lord Cornwall, like the gentleman he was, quickly ushered her from the dance floor and got her a glass of cool lemonade. After resting for a while, Kate excused herself and walked towards the gardens. Lord Cornwall was reluctant in letting her go but understood her need for fresh air and some space.

Kate quickly found a wooden seat in the garden and plopped down rather unbecomingly. It was then that she finally let go of the breath she did not know she had been holding. She clutched the seat with her hands and bent her head forward while trying to draw in deep breaths.

He was here at the ball. He had been watching her this whole time. Kate felt angry, scared and obviously agitated. Oh, why was he still tormenting her?! What did he want? He had made it clear that he would never marry and now that Kate had finally begun to restore herself and her life, he was back. With his deep dark brooding eyes and his tousled chestnut hair and that strong jaw that he had appeared to be clenching. Was he angry? She thought; He had no right to! Did he expect her to pine for him? To be utterly depressed and put on an aura of eternal sadness?

Engrossed in her thoughts, Kate failed to notice Anthony's arrival. She raised her head sharply when he cleared his throat to draw her attention. She stood up quickly, offered a quick shallow curtesy and moved forward to get out of there. She did not want to be in his presence. She was not sure of herself and the pain was still very fresh. It was best to be out of there lest she embarrassed herself in front of him.

Anthony swiftly held her hand while pulling her towards him. "My Lord?" she questioned, her eyes widening in surprise. Anthony towered over her, and in the darkness of the garden his largeness was even more frightening. "We need to talk Kate" he said, his voice strained as if he was having trouble being calm. "You have spoken quite enough my Lord" replied Kate while trying to pull herself out of his grip. "Please my Lord, this is most improper!" Kate hissed. She knew how precarious her situation was. Anybody could walk in at any moment and her life would be over. She would be branded as a wanton and a temptress but Lord Bridgerton would be given a free pass, for he was a titled gentleman and she was but a simple miss who had probably set out to lure him in. The thought made Kate even more angry. It wasn't fair!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2023 ⏰

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