Never be Alone with a Gentleman (Dark Anthony)

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Dark Anthony x Kate Sharma

Anthony is wicked evil in this one-shot. Don't say I didn't warn y'all.

TW: Mature scenes, violence, crying. 

Kate's heart was in pieces. Edwina had just declared that she was indeed, in love with the Viscount. The same Lord Anthony Bridgerton whose thoughts kept her awake at night and consumed her entire being during the day. Oh, she wanted to hate him! And she did hate him, for making her want him so much. So bloody much. But most of all she hated that she did not hate him, not even a little bit, not even close. She was in love with him. Yes, she was in love with the same man her darling baby sister was set to marry. The same man her sister was in love with.

The fight that had ensued with the Sheffields had put a strain on everything. Now with Edwina's declaration of her love for Lord Bridgerton, Kate was at a loss. She had to convince him to marry Edwina. Nothing, not even the only man she had ever loved and desired was important enough for her to cause pain to Edwina. Edwina was all things good, pure and lovely. She deserved happiness and if it lay with Anthony, so be it. Kate would fight tooth and nail to make them marry. Her silly infatuation with the Viscount would soon disappear as soon as she left for India. Wishful thinking maybe, but it had to be done.

Anthony Bridgerton was sitting alone in his study, staring at his glass of brandy. He was inebriated, majorly to calm himself from all the excitement that the evening had brought forth. The Sheffields would bestow Edwina her dowry only if she married an Englishman of rank. So he had been the prized goat. He believed Kate when she told him about Edwina being oblivious to all of this. But Kate had known, she had deliberately done all of this. He felt disgusted. He did not want to be the man Edwina married only for her grandparents to bestow him with her dowry. Hell he did not want to marry Edwina at all. He wanted Kate. He wanted to own her mind, body and soul. He wanted to be her first and last in everything and show her the ways innocent ladies like herself, could be seduced. He wanted to mark her as his own. She was the object of his desires and no other woman would do.

Anthony felt betrayed. He had just found about the financial obligation behind Edwina's marriage to him and he did not want to follow through anymore. He would have Kate, by any means. She had hurt his ego and now he would break his engagement to her sister and go for Kate directly.

A knock broke his string of thoughts. He wondered who it could be this late at night. "Come in", he said softly. The door opened to reveal Kate, in her nightgown, covering her shoulders with a shawl. Anthony couldn't stop staring at her lustrous, long hair that rested on her shoulder. Soft tendrils peeking out to brush her cheeks. Although the shawl covered her modesty, Anthony could still see the shadow of her elegant legs through the thin material. He gulped, and loosened his cravat so that he could breathe better. She had that effect on him. He looked at her and said curtly, "How may I help you Miss Sharma?"

Kate felt all her confidence vanish at the sight of him. How ironic, she thought, I have come to beg the man I love to marry my sister. Fate can be amusingly cruel. She cleared her throat and answered," My Lord I wanted to reassure you that Edwina had no knowledge of anything that occurred. She is innocent in all of this My Lord. I .. I implore you to not break off the engagement and give this a chance. She genuinely feels for you My Lord and I cannot bear it if her heart breaks" Tears rolled down her eyes but she wiped them away quickly and gazed at Anthony, waiting for him to respond.

Anthony felt angry. He felt trapped. He wanted to lash out at Kate. "Miss Sharma, not only did you deceive me and my family and now you have the audacity to try and mold my life decisions to your will? As if this marriage is your sisters alone? Am I not allowed to have any say in the matter? Do you take me a fool Miss Sharma?" Anthony was breathing fire. Kate suddenly felt afraid. Her idea of visiting him in his office to cajole him had been a bad idea. He looked deranged at that moment. She cowered and took a few steps back. Anthony started again," You know very well how much I want you. I do not care for your sister that way, never have, never will. It is you I want. I want to make you mine. But despite knowing my feelings on the matter, you still want to pressurize me into marrying your sister?"

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