Thunderstorm, a Library and some Brandy

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Kate knew a storm was brewing. She disliked the rains and the thunder even more. For some inexplicable reason it made her feel small, weak and vulnerable. All the feelings that she never ever allowed herself to feel. It was going to be a difficult night tonight.

It was late, probably past midnight and Anthony still couldn't sleep. He knew he had messed up during dinner. His toast had been a complete disaster but he could not bring himself to propose Miss Edwina. It was true that he had started his speech with every intention of proposing but as his eyes met Kate's, he felt air being knocked out of his chest. The thought of binding himself to a woman who was not Kate, to live, breathe and exist with a woman who was not Kate, to build a life with a woman who was not Kate was unfathomable, painful and created a vacuum within his heart that threatened to engulf him. No, he did not want to wake up day after day, knowing that the woman sleeping beside him was not her. She was perfect for him, he thought, but absolutely unsuitable as a Viscountess. He knew he couldn't marry for love; marriage was his duty. He had to marry and beget heirs and make sure the system continued. No matter how many times he reminded himself of how wholly unsuitable Kate would be as a Viscountess, his heart repeated that she would be the perfect wife. She would be witty and quick, her humour dry, she would lack all pretensions and be as independent as a married woman could hope to be. She would never do as he said and disagreements would be a normal thing in his household. She would be her authentic self in front of the ton and by the Gods that would be frighteningly scandalous and he would love it. He would love the challenges she would pose to him and he would love to lose to her every day.

He sighed; he evidently needed a drink. Remembering his stash of brandy kept in the library's cabinet, he rose from bed and put on his night-shirt, not bothering to button it up completely. It was unlikely anyone would be up at the hour, he reasoned, so there was no need to be proper. As Anthony walked, he could see light coming out of the library. Had he forgotten to stub the candles? The library door was already ajar and he let himself in quietly, only to see the one woman he hoped to avoid. What was Kate doing here at this God forsaken hour anyway? He wondered if he should go back but his feet did not move backwards. He stood there transfixed, looking at the elegant creature, standing on a ladder wearing only a sheer nightgown, looking every bit sinful, delicious and forbidden whilst reading a book. Every ounce of his common sense told him to leave immediately, but his body wasn't listening anymore.

Kate suddenly felt the air around her grow warm. Without even raising her head, she knew who it was. She had always been aware of him. Every time he'd enter into a room, she would know. She would know exactly where he was in the ballroom at all times and she hated it. Her feigned indifference protected her pride but not her heart. To be so painfully aware of his presence, when she knew he wasn't hers, would never be hers.... It killed her from within.

A sudden chill in the air made her shiver and she realised that her attire was extremely improper indeed. She desperately prayed no one would see them together and she could get back to her room with her reputation unharmed. She climbed down the stairs and muttered," I'm sorry My Lord, I was just leaving", before trying to walk out quickly. Just as she moved past him, he caught her arm. Kate froze. She steadied herself and looked at him. "My Lord?" she questioned.

Anthony had acted out on instinct; he did not want her to leave. They barely spent any time alone without the ton's eyes on them and right now he wanted to savour these few minutes with her. "Miss Sharma please, do not leave on my behalf", he said, his eyes pleading her to stay. "I just came to have a drink. Might you share one with me? He asked. Kate knew this was a bad idea but she nodded anyway. It was just a drink, she reasoned with herself. She eyed his grip on her arm and Anthony let go instantly.

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