Deltarune Chapter 3 theory

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So I have this one Deltarune ch. 3 theory that blossomed into an AU  idea that really has nothing to do with the theory..

So at one  point I was thinking about how chapter 3 would go down, and a thought came up to me-

Everyone thinks Undyne would be the police that comes to investigate the car, but what if it's Napstablook, or both of them?

I say this because one of the biggest things about chapter 2 was Spamton Neo, which was deltarune Mettaton's Mettaton Neo design, and that most people think that this "Mike" character is the TV-faced thing in the epilogue..

So I'm mostly with the people who say that chapter 3 would be mostly about a TV dark world that's based around Kris' family, and not a carnival themed dark world about the town, and the fact that this "Mike" character is most implied to be the villain in the new chapter and that Spamton knows this "Mike", and that Spamton is the one who used Spamton Neo, AND that Mettaton made the design, AAAAND that Napstablook is Mettaton's cousin AAAAAAAANNNND that the next dark world's theme might be TVs an crap-

It just sticks to me. I know it's a little far-fetched but I think it would be cool if we looked a Napstablook's character more in dept..

..That was a lot of ands..

..I'll explain more about the au idea that has basically nothing to do with the theory on the next page-

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