Kurumi's childhood.

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Kurumi was a young girl when it happen those beasts took her everything away,everything she once loved was in front of her in a pool of blood made by her. Kurumi was 9 when the beast took her over Kurumi is a vampire and she killed her family. She had nothing blood dripping from her mouth on to her chin, she didn't know what to do, she ran as fast as she could into the woods where she thought it was safe,she then was confronted by more of her kind they looked at her,blood on her clothes and blood on her lips and chin. "What do we have here" said one of the vampires standing in front of her "pleas- please help me I don't know what to do I have know family" Kurumi said almost in tears "oh that's terrible isn't it well defend for your self" the vampires left.Kurumi was all alone with no one, when she saw a boy with blood on his chin sitting on a rock,she walked towards him and to only see he was crying. "Um excuse me are you alright" she said reassuringly "no I am not I am lost" the boy said, he turn around and faced Kurumi "who are you" he said "I am Kurumi" she didn't want to tell him her last name "well hi Kurumi I am Kota Mamaki" "uh hi Kota would you like me to help wou find your home" "yes! I'd love that thank you"

They walked for what seemed like forever "hey this is the road to my home...thank you Kurumi for helping me" Kota hugged Kurumi and he walked down the road to his house. Then Kurumi realised something where was she going to go...

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