10 years later.

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10 years since that terrible day happen, Kurumi goes to a normal school and she lives a normal life. She was walking in the school that she called a hell hole, several boys were whistling at her saying how cute she was, she didn't care she wasn't that interested in men. She had her long black hair out she never put it up and her bangs covering her right eye and she wore a school uniform. It was a Tuesday and Kurumi was walking to her class when she spotted out of the corner of her eye a crowd of girls, she knew who this was. It was second year boy the rebel of all rebels Kota Mamaki, 'ugh he's such a drag' she thought to herself.

Kota's P.O.V
'Ugh is wish these girls would leave me alone' Kota looked up and noticed a girl with beautiful black hair 'wow who is she...she gorgeous why haven't I noticed her before'

Kurumi's P.O.V
Kurumi notices that he was staring at her she stared into his eyes and her eyes turn Crimson red, she showed him her fangs and walked past him with one last quick glance she turned away to her class.

Kurumi arrived in class, she sat in her usually seat near the window the very last row. She looked out the window she birds flying in the sky 'I wonder what it feels like to be free' she thought to her self. "Ok class settle down I have some exciting news, we are going on a class trip!". The teacher says sounding to excited "sorry I am late miss" Kota comes into the room 5 minutes late "that's all right Kota your lucky I didn't mark you absent, take a seat" "Hai thank you miss". Kota walks to the back row where I was sitting and sits next to me. I glance over at him and notice his eyes flashed Crimson red like a vampire 'what the no I-it can't be his not is he no Kurumi pull your self together' I thought to her "hey Kurumi nice fangs" Kota comes up to my ear and whispers, I freeze "I'd be careful things like that turn me into a monster" he licks the shell of my ear and pulls away. I look up at him and notice his neck was showing 'he looks so attractive with fang marks, what am I saying!' I turn back to front.

//time skip
It's was lunch and Kurumi was packing up her things when she noticed that Kota had some blood on his lips 'what in the world do he...no he couldn't off at school could he?!' She thought to her self not noticing Kota coming up to her.

Until she was back up against the wall by KOTA! "I know what you are Kurumi you don't have to hide it from me" he said in to your neck "you smell good to Kurumi", You try to push him off you but fail miserably "w-what do you w-want with me?" You say your voice cracking a little "your love" he says in your ear.

She blushes like mad she makes her eyes flash red to try and scare him of but it only makes him smirk "That just makes me want you more" her blush darkens, she teleports out of his arms and behind him, "don't you remember me Kurumi, the little boy alone in the woods crying" he smirks evilly at her "you were him?!"....

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