baby space

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So namjoon will be appa and Jin is daddy :P
(Also I'm changing Jimin to papa)

This was a request !! Ask for more anytime here or in my messages >>>
also sorry for the person to requested for not getting right into it, I had to introduce the baby space first :P

sorry I was tired when I wrote this so apologies for any bad grammar :3

Yoongi never woke up in little space, so Jin did find it weird. He never said anything about it though because they've only been taking care of him for 4 weeks. Everyone has gotten used of him slipping later in the day, never when he just wake up. But hey, who was he to complain? Yoongi's a cutie.

Then it start getting weird. He cried over everything.
"Yoongi, wake up!" Jungkook said, shaking Yoongi slightly. Yoongi only cried, "Oh crap, I think he's in little space. But why is he crying?" Jungkook didn't think about it too much and got Namjoon and Jin.

"Hyungs, Yoongi is and little space and he's-" A loud thump and then screaming is what cut him off.
"Shit." Jin and Namjoon ran into the room to see a crying baby on the ground.

"Aw, you fell baby? It's okay we got you." Namjoon softly spoke, now sitting down on the ground crisscrossed with Yoongi in his lap and Jin right next to him.

Instead of calming down, Yoongi let out another sob. Jin was internally panicking. He didn't know what was wrong.

"It's okay, honey. Tell us why you're crying baby. Where did you hurt yourself?" Jin tried to get him to talk.

To his surprise, only babbles were made. The only words that could be heard were 'dada' and 'appa' Namjoon looked at Jin to make sure he heard it too. Jin was surprised, but he didn't stop comforting him.

After a lot of sweet words and head pats, Yoongi's sobbing had been reduced to sniffles. Jin smacked Namjoon on the head, "Why are you scrolling on your phone? You better being doing some research or something."

"Yeah, I think he's in babyspace. Basically the mind of a baby." Jin thought about what Namjoon had just said, and realized it makes complete sense.

"Go make a bottle. Don't ask just figure it out."Jin said, already bossing him around. Namjoon jogged to the kitchen to go figure it out, like his hyung said. "Hoseok!!!! Get a pacifier!!!" He yelled too loud because now Yoongi was crying. "Shoot I'm sorry baby."


The members quickly adjusted to baby yoongi. He did cry a lot, but they easily got him to calm down. Taehyungs voice was apparently all the baby needed. One vocal from him and he was back to giggling about his toes. (They had to occasionally stop him from putting them in his mouth, but it was cute)

Meanwhile, Jin was not having the time of his life. Namjoon had left for the studio, and itwas the thing he hated taking care of most when Yoongi slipped. Nap time. Yoongi was a little monster that hated sleep but loved sugar.

Jin sighed and walked into the living room, where yoongi was happily babbling to Jungkook. Jungkook was confused when Jin walked in because he was told to take care of him.

Jungkook looked at his phone and his eyes widen. He made eye contact with Jin who was silently begging him to not leave and help him just this once, but Jungkook already bolted out the door. This was not his problem, so he definitely was not going to deal with it. Dance practice it was.

"Hi, baby. Aren't you sleepy? Daddy's little sleepyhead, huh? I think it's time we go take a nap!" Jin sat down next to Yoongi. Yoongi could understand nap, and that was enough for him.

"N-no! No wanna! No! No! No!" Yoongi started screaming and crying, repeating no over and over again. He picked up his stuffie and threw it as Jin's face.

"Yoongi! That's no way you treat your daddy! Lets just nap come on I'll come with you baby." Yoongi just screamed louder and tugged at Jim's hair this time. Jin yelped, goodness this little boy puts up a fight.

Jimin who was passing by, giggled. Obviously a little too loud, because Jin heard him. He snapped his head towards his direction. They made eye contact. Before he could run, Jin yelled at him.

"Jimin, don't you dare. Call Namjoon right now." Jin said it in a voice that would make anyone listen to him. Jin tried to calm the baby, but all he got was jabs to the stomach by Yoongi's foot.

Hoseok came in and tried helping Jin. He was kicked in the face and a stuffy thrown at his head. Yoongi screamed when Hoseok tried picking him up, and screamed when Hoseok dropped him.

Jin gave him a death glare, "Why did you drop him!?" Hoseok huffed and got up from sitting on his knees, dusting the imaginary dirt off. "He's loud as hell! You do it yourself. I tried to help." Hoseok groaned and walked off, leaving Jin alone. Again.

The final straw is when Hoseok left. Yoongi threw his stuffed animal at Jin. Well, it was an attempt to throw it at him anyway. It hit a vase and knocked it down. Jin's favorite one. His mother had gave it to him when he moved in, so it was special. Now he was furious.

Jin knew he was in baby space so he couldn't be really mad at him, but now he was just hurt. "Yoongi!!! Look what you've done!" Jin frowned at the glass now on the floor and just sighed as Yoongi's screamed grew louder.

He didn't know what to do.

Jin let out a sigh of relief when Namjoon came through the front door. Thankfully, Jimin already told him what had happened so he knew what to do. "Go lie down, hyung. I got this." Jin frowned, not wanting to leave, but Namjoon's look was firm.

"Don't hurt him. I'll kill you."

"You know I wouldn't do that in babyspace. Now go." Jin left in defeat.

Yoongi reached out for his appa, he was finally here! He surely would understand him now, right? Yoongi's crying was now only sniffles as he lifted his hands up. He waited for Namjoon to pick him up, but it never came. Just Namjoon staring- actually scratch that. He was glaring down at him, clearly not happy.

"I'm sure you're done with your fit now, right? I want you to pic-" Yoongi started crying again. Why was no one understanding he didn't want to. No means no. He attempted to throw a stuffie at his face like he had did with Jin, but Namjoon caught his wrist.

Yoongi was shocked and whined. He tugged his wrist out of Namjoon's grip (it wasn't that hard) and started crying again. Appa and Daddy were mad now. He banged and kicked everything he could do with his feet and hands.

He wanted a reaction. A reaction like Jin and Hoseok had given him. But his appa just stared right at him as if he was saying, 'Yeah I see you're crying, so what?' Yoongi knew he wasn't going to get any attention from him when Namjoon walked away.

He finally stopped crying but instead yelled for his appa. Namjoon turned around, satisfied.

"You're done now, hm? Say sorry to daddy, hobi, and appa then sleep." Yoongi regressed into about a year older, so he understood some of the words better now. One of the words he knew was 'sorry' so he crawled, almost into the glass, but Namjoon picked him up for he could.

Yoongi knew Namjoon didn't say anything about a punishment, so Yoongi giggled and thought he was let off the hook. Keyword: thought. He definitely was not.

Namjoon put him on the bed with Jin because he knew he loved his cuddles. "I think this baby has something to say to you."

"Sowwy daddy. Wuv ya!" Yoongi smooched his face and giggled and Jin left a kiss on his face too. Yoongi got excited and clapped his hands. "Daddy happy?" Jin nodded and kissed all over Yoongi's face.

"I think it's time you nap, mister." Jin laid Yoongi down with him and he complied this time.

"Oh, but first. No sweets or TV time for 3 weeks. You can apologize to the rest later." Namjoon chuckled and quickly ran out of the room before Yoongi could complain. Yoongi just whined but he was too tired to protest. Jin's cuddles were the best.

It did take Jin 1 hour and 3 people to put yoongi to sleep, but it was probably worth it.

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