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TW: ANGST (slightly) I'm a big baby so it won't be too bad lol

open to suggestions anytime >>>>

Yoongi knew it was time to be big once again. He can't be little all the time. Just because he has caregivers doesn't mean anything. He prides himself on his capability to make music and rap well. He isn't the best dancer, but Joon told him already it's okay to not be the best. He is special in his own way and has his own thing he's good at. Which is producing and rapping. So he should get back to it. Sucks he still has to go to dance practice though.

He was ready before everyone else, so he called his manager and waited, sitting on the couch.

"You're up pretty early, yoongi." A familiar hand combed through his hair. It was hoseok, he already knew. He was so touchy.

"Thought it be nice to go early. Clear my thoughts for a little. Stop by Starbucks, maybe. Don' know." Yoongi mumbled. Hoseok just hummed and continued to play with his hair. Yoongi got a call saying his manager was here, "Bye hoba" yoongi shyly said and walked out.

He wasn't actually going to 'clear his thoughts' he was going to the dance studio. He came earlier to come before the dance teacher did.

To his surprise, their dance teacher was already there. Well, their temporary one. The other dance teacher is having a wedding in America and is going to France for their honeymoon.

So, they were stuck with this dirty prick that Yoongi hates so much. They have worked together before, but he doesn't remember him being this rude. He's so mean but the members don't think so. That's only because they haven't heard the awful things he says when they're alone. Like now.

"Oh, wow! Looks like someone is finally taking my advice and coming early? Thank goodness I can teach you longer, I've would've gone crazy if I had to see your shitty dancing one more time." He said sarcastic sweet voice. "You're dragging your group down with your crappy dancing. Namjoon and Jin aren't the best dancers in the world, but at least they can still dance and actually make it look somewhat good. You fail at everything you do."

"I don't know why you're so mean to me." Yoongi was on the edge of tears. Why do words hurt someone so much?

"Yeah? And I don't actually know why you really decided to take my advice and come here. I think you're so bad that none of my training will ever be able to help you. But I suppose if you really want help, let's get right on it." The dance teacher forcibly grabbed wrist push him into the middle.

Yoongi chose the wrong decision deciding to come and learn more. This was going to be hell.

He laughed at him every-time he cried. Every time he made a mistake. Every time he fell. Every time he did something even slightly close to anything he didn't like.

Yoongi was so happy when the other members came in.

"Hello, BTS! Pleasure to see you amazing dancers again! I'm extremely happy I'm going to be your dancer for a while." The dance teacher politely bowed to them, and every member bowed back, saying a couple of 'hello sir' 'it's really not a big deal' 'hi sir'

When he said BTS, he wasn't even looking at him. In fact, he was back was faced towards yoongi and the other six members were in a line, still holding their bags. Yoongi sat on the floor, behind and a couple of feet from the dancer teacher.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2022 ⏰

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