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as y/n walked along side mina, she watched as all the other students began their training. she spotted some very powerful quirks and couldn't help but to feel a bit impressed. of course, anyone could always use the extra training and practice to get the hang of fighting with their quirk, but she could tell that most of these students could very well be pro heroes in the near future.

"are you ready?!" minas energetic tone filled her ears and the girl turned to look at her.

"i suppose so." y/n answered dryly and got into her fighting stance as mina did the same.

"just be careful! acid isn't a very harmless liquid, y'know?" mina giggled a bit before taking a deep breath and throwing a splash of acid towards the girl in front of her. y/n quickly dodged her attack, leaning backwards but quickly coming back up before mina could attack once more. the pink girl lunged at y/n, throwing more acid in multiple attacks. y/n managed to dodge most of the attacks, the harmful liquid only grazing her pants material.

"you know you're supposed to use your quirk, right?!" mina shouted after the girl as she simultaneously attacked again and again, getting slightly frustrated that y/n's reflexes were so quick. y/n of course knew that she was able to use her quirk, but she was trying to hold it off so that her energy didn't drain so quickly. she could tell mina was a bit curious as to why she seemed to only be trying to dodge attacks and not throw them.

"i'm aware." y/n grunted as she dove away from another one of minas attacks. she had to admit, mina was pretty strong and very precise with where she attacked and how, she knew better than to underestimate her. y/n knew better than to underestimate anyone.

a few more moments went by with mina attacking and y/n dodging, mina began to grow a bit tired and y/n could tell. she figured this was a better time than ever to start using her quirk. y/n took a deep breath before crouching down to touch the grass below. she began to move as if she was pulling something out of the ground, mina furrowed her brows as she watched y/n pull this invisible force out of the grass below her. only, it wasn't invisible. it was water.

before mina could analyze any more, she felt a sting on her leg. she looked down to see the material of her pants had ripped and quickly looked back up at y/n who had a stream of water in her grasp. the water was held as if it was a whip- that must've been what'd hit her, mina thought before quickly composing herself and attacking again, this time with a little more force. mina ran towards y/n, throwing the acid at the girl but stopping short when her attack was broken by a wall of earth that hadn't been there moments before. y/n ran from behind it, not having enough time to bend water out of the grass, so she tried her best to bend as much water as she could out of the air around her. she ended up with a water whip a bit more thin than the one before, but there wasn't much time to complain. as more of minas acid approached her by the second, she used the whip of water to take down the waves of acid by hitting it. it didn't break the attack completely, but just enough so that y/n could dodge it in time and slow the speed of it.

by now, aizawa and the rest of the students had stopped their own training to watch the two girls. midoriya especially, the green haired boy was taking mental notes as the training went on.

eventually, the girls were both worn out, but neither of them had stopped. they both wanted to win this "fight". their movements were slower this time around, but that didn't stop them. mina threw her arm forward to land another attack, but was stopped when she felt something cold warp around her wrists. it was ice. y/n had bended water around the pink girls wrists and frozen it just in time. mina looked at her wrists, then at y/n. it was silent in the stadium, and the air felt still.

"you win." mina breathed out with a slight smile. it seemed at that moment, everyone had seemed to let out a breath they were subconsciously holding. y/n melted the ice off of minas wrists and they both collapsed from exhaustion. they'd been training for over 10 minutes by now, more than enough time for y/n to ware herself out from using her quirk a bit too much.

midoriya spoke up, "y/n-san, your quirk is amazing! how'd you lift the ground up like that so suddenly?! i didn't even see you do it, and then you j-"

"midoriya, you're talking too fast, i don't thing anyone can understand you." a boy with split colored hair, todoroki, interjected.

midoriya apologized before stepping back a bit as everyone began to crowd around the newest class member.

"so you can just pull water out of thin air?" kaminari asked with wide eyes.

y/n hesitated for a second, but answered the electric boy's question, "well... it's not so much 'thin air'... there's water all around us. in the air right now, there microscopic water molecules... i just bend them together so that i can use them for battle."

there were "ooohs" and "aaahs" heard from the crowd of students before yaoyorozu spoke up just a little louder than the rest, "so it seems as if you can manipulate the elements, then,"

y/n nodded.

"then how come you didnt use air and fire?" she finished.

"i thought someone might ask that," y/n began, "even though air is the easiest to bend, it takes a lot of energy out of me. mostly, because since it's so easy, i tend to use it a lot more and very carelessly at times. as for fire... well... i'm not very good at controlling that yet..."

a rather loud "tch" was heard near the back of the crowd and the students turned their heads looking for the source. they didn't have to search too long before that "source" began to speak again, "so you can manipulate elements but choose not to fight with the easiest one to win with because 'you're not good at controlling it'? pathetic." a blonde haired guy  spat. he stood with his hands in his pockets as he glared daggers at y/n. his crimson eyes burning into her own.

y/n, who didn't seem to be affected by his words nor tone, stood up, walking towards him as she began to respond to his comment, "yes, because i care about the other people around me getting hurt... or worse, possibly dying. though, i don't think you'd understand since it seems as if you don't care about anything or anyone but yourself. furthermore, i could challenge anyone and win with those two elements alone. but then again, i don't really see how that's any of your business."

the boy's glare hardened as he took in her words. "anyone, huh?"

y/n slightly raised a brow.

"then fight me, right now... only using the fire element."

| smh that bitch y/n the avatar

wc: 1262

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