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     y/n looked at the blonde boy like he had just wiped out her entire bloodline, "you have to be kidding me," y/n was never one to entertain these kinds of things. of course, she'd been asked to do something along the lines of this before, but she knew she didn't have to prove her worth to a random boy who she didn't even know the name of. she was too mature to play these kinds of games, i mean, just who did this guy think he was? "i don't even know your name." she continued.

     "you don't have to, so, is it a deal or are you too scared of losing to the likes of me?" bakugou sneered. y/n had the urge to kick him right in the throat, and trust me, if she wasn't as good at composing herself as she was, then she definitely would've.

     y/n shook her head, "unlike you, i don't have to challenge people to random sparring matches just to prove that i'm good at what i do. i don't have the time, nor the energy, and even if i did, i certainly wouldn't waste it on you." the class of 1-a watched as the two exchanged words, no one daring to stop them, mostly because it was entertaining, but also because bakugou would probably scorch someone's scalp off if the opposite got the last word because an 'extra' thought it might be a good idea to stop them. he had too much pride to let someone get the last word, it always had to be him. always.

     "this isn't to prove yourself, it's to see who could win." bakugou rephrased the girl's words.

     y/n rolled her (eye color) eyes that hadn't lost contact with bakugous crimson ones since the dispute started, not wanting to show any potential sign of weakness. likewise, bakugou had barely blinked since their exchange started. "no matter which way you phrase it," the girl stepped closer to the boy, their noses inches apart, "i'm not going to spar with you, fire boy."

     bakugou looked at her for a few moments as a light pink hue made the way to the tips of his ears. he took a step back from her, and it seemed that everyone had, once again, let out a breath they hadn't even realized they were holding. their dispute seemed like it was getting a bit more heated (no pun intended) with every word that they spit. y/n gave the boy a small smile in response to him stepping away, " good choice." the girl concluded before walking back to where she was once sitting. the class dispersed from the crowd they'd formed and went back to whatever they were doing before the little show bakugou and y/n had put on.

     "dude, no offense, but for a second there it looked like you were kinda scared of her!" kirishima, who bakugou didn't even notice had approached him, bantered.

     "oh, shut the hell up. her words have zero affect on me." bakugou rolled his sharp, eyes once again.

     "maybe be not her words, but her actions sure do." kirishima chuckled quietly.

     "what the hell do you mean by that?"

     "dude, you totally started blushing when she stepped closer to you. i'm pretty sure everyone saw it."

     "blushing? no i did not, and if i did, i'd have noticed it."

     even though kirishima was sure that bakugou had blushed, the angry blonde denied it everytime. unfortuantely for him, by the end of the day the entirety of bakusquad was teasing him for it. even jirou had joined in on the banter.

     "for the last time, i wasn't blushing! there was nothing to blush about, she's just a stupid girl who's way too cocky about her stupid quirk." bakugous voice rang through the halls as he and his friends walked to y/n's dorm after an exhausting school day. it was friday and they'd planed to go out for soba after todoroki had offered to pay for them all (on endeavors dime, of course.) mina said she'd come only if y/n could, which was why the four other members of the bakusquad were currently dragging bakugou to go retrieve the girl with them.

     mina had told y/n that'd she'd be back in thirty minutes to pick her up since she was sure the (your hair color) haired girl would like to change into her casual clothes. after going to the wrong door three times, they finally made it y/n's dorm room door where mina laid a firm knock and waited for her to answer, all the while bakugou was cursing under his breath about how he hated that she was going. when y/n answered the door, she wore a black turtle neck that she tucked into a pair of khaki colored shorts. she'd done her hair perfectly it seemed. not a hair out of place that wasn't supposed to be. y/n was never one to get dressed up, but when she did, she did it fairly well.

     "y/n-san! you look gorgeous!" mina exclaimed, grabbing the girl by the shoulders.

     "thank you, mina-san. you look very nice too." y/n smiled slightly, trying her best to return the compliment. it's not that mina didn't look nice, y/n just wasn't very used to giving— let alone receiving— compliments. though she was a very beautiful girl herself, most people found y/n too intimidating to actually go up and tell her that, she was in fact, very easy on the eyes. though, there were those few brave souls that actually had the guts to approach the girl, in which the said encounters would end with said person walking away feeling as if they'd accomplished something big.

     "yeah, y/n-san, you look great!" kaminari added.

     y/n looked over to the electric boy with a slight smile, "thank you, kaminari-kun, you look nice aswell.

     kaminari almost short-circuited.

     "yeah, yeah everyone looks nice, now can we get going? i'm starving." bakugou huffed.

     sero chuckled before putting an arm on the angry teen's shoulder, "are you sure you're not just jealous because you haven't gotten a compliment from y/n yet?"

      bakugou swatted the raven haired boy's hand away before grumbling a response, "i don't need or want a compliment from her. we've been sitting here for too long already, and i'm starving. that's the last thing on my mind, fucking idiots."

     y/n closed the door to her dorm before walking a bit ahead of the five teens, turning around as she heard the words fall out of bakugous mouth, "i apologize for keeping you waiting, bakugou-kun. we can go now."

     bakugou didn't say anything. he was focusing on how delicate his name sounded when it dripped off the girl's tongue like honey. as many times as he's heard his name being spoken, he never thought it was possible for it to sound so pretty.

|i was listening to boyfriend by btr on repeat while i wrote this

wc: 1184

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