Yugo Asuma

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Air bubbles floated up while stroking his face as they went up. Oh, here we go again. This world is trying to keep me in the dark. And I really have no idea how to deal with it. This world is hard to live in.

A sinister crinkly and screeching sound kept getting louder and louder. There was no stop to it. Yugo tried to block the sound from his ears with his hand, but it didn't work. With ever second the sound got louder his tears grew bigger. He kept his eyes shut, he was scared to see what or who made those horrific noises.

Someone brough headphones to Yugo. "Yugo, are you crying again?", he placed the headphones on his head. Yugo opened his eyes. "You know? We can block all the bad noises like this." He came eye to eye with Ike, "Sensai", more tears came out and he tried to wipe them away. "Nobody wants to play with me. They all say I'm awkward." Ike put his hand on Yugo's back, trying to calm him down. "Oh, you're not awkward! Every single person is special. I just think that people don't see it." Yugo took of his headphones and let it rest on his neck, so he could understand Ike better. "There are many people in the world with different ways of thinking and cultures, and we live on by accepting each other. Yugo, why don't you try to learn English? You want to make friends, don't you?" Yugo's eyes lit up, "I want to! But...", the light faded away, "No one speaks English here...And I'm sure people will judge me." "But you can make friends with people from all over the world. Isn't that wonderful? I'm sure you can do it, Yugo." He looked back up at Ike, "But I..." Ike placed his hand on his head, "To borrow a couple of words from a certain demon I know, 'Listen, you can be anyone you want, so don't be afraid and live your life. Because this world is full of hope'" Yugo rubbed his eyes to get rid of the last tears, "I don't understand it in English." Ike let out a little laugh, "Well", he got a book from his bookshelf, he stood next to Yugo and opened the book, "I'm looking forward to the future." Different particles came out of the book and Yugo looked at it in awe while Ike looked at him with a reassuring expression on his face.

Listen you can be anyone you want, so don't be afraid and live your life. Because this world is full of-

The music was so loud you could feel the bass on the inside of your body, the crowd going crazy, and Yugo was in the middle of it all. Or rather behind the DJ table running this show, "Alright!" He threw this party to go against The Android Regime. The giant screen behind him had the words 'Hope in the dark, rights for humans' written on it. But there were sudden loud noises that came from above. Yugo looked up and he saw them, the fucking androids. They came there with a helicopter, way to steal the show.

Three of them jumped out the helicopter, one of them smashed Yugo's DJ's board in halve as they came down. People got scared and panic broke out in the crowd, people started running away. Yugo was the only one left, "Oi oi oi! What the hell are you doing here!" The android who broke the DJ-board spoke first, "DJ. We have warned you several times." Another one spoke, "And we also told you there would not be a next time." He let out a little laugh and took off his headphones, "I'm still following all your 'rules', man! What's your problem?" "A new statutory provision has just been established", the android stepped forward and raised his hand, a hologram appeared out of his hand, "Article 277 of The Android Regime, under the National Protection Act, records the mental state of the nation and manages this. The fifth item states that in order to record and regulate humanities mental state, it is strictly prohibited to have more than a certain number of entertainment activities." "It has been determined that you are doing more that the regulated number. Therefore, you have been determined to be a target of the purge." Yugo went through his hair with his hand and let out a chuckle, "Do you really think you can manage people's minds like that?", he swung his arm, "No! That's why you gotta make more weird rules, again! You don't understand humans at all!" "This has been implemented based on past statistical data and human behaviour. There is no error in our Android Regime." The androids didn't show any sign of backing down.

No, you're still ignoring us.

Yugo quickly lost his temper, "You don't know the reason why we are all stuck in this kind of place! There is no light in this world. You know? There is no hope! But we're...", he placed his hand on his chest, "We're still playing hard. We need tomorrow too. Come on", he let his hand down and made it a fist, "We own this freedom! Don't take it from us!" The android who had the hologram up let his hand down. "Whoever refuses to accept our commands will be eliminated. This is our policy." "No! What the hell man! You don't make any sense!" "Stay silent do not disturb the order. Submit to our voice and know your place, human."

Oh, here we go again. This world is trying to keep me in the dark.

You can be anyone you want-

And I really have no idea how to deal with it.

Because this world is full of-

This world is hard to live in.

Yugo let out a laugh. "If I have to give up on what I wanna do", his laughter faded, "Than I'd rather leave this world! Baka!" He sticked his tongue out and put up his middle fingers. The androids were having none of it. The third one cocked his gun and shot at Yugo. He fell backwards into the canal.

I guess there was nothing I could do. You know? Even in the hard times, I just wanted to play around. I wanted to play freely, clumsily, without any regret. It concealed m loneliness and showed me new things. All the while, I wanted to find the hope out of this darkness.

This place is like an abyss, will I ever reach the end? It feels like a never-ending pit.

Yugo opened his eyes; he saw a faint light while a stream of red blood clouded his right eye, but he still reached out for it. The light got brighter and brighter until.

The sound of cars honking and racing through the streets became louder. A pungent smell started going up Yugo's nose.

"Oh! Is that guy, okay?"

"Hey come! Leave him there. I think he's just a drunkard."

Going through the thousands of nights. Across the timelines and worlds. I've got so many friends. And I really have no idea how to deal with it... This world is hard to live in. But you know? I believe that one day, when the night is over. I will get to say thank you again.

Listen you can be anyone you want, so don't be afraid and live your life. Because this world is full of hope! 

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