Fulgur Ovid

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The year is 375 ATF. 375 years ago, the last of humanity came to an end. The 'Doomers' were poisoned by their own excretions. Against that noxious wasteland, the megacities stood tall. The Republic was one of those megacities. Now home to over 80 million people. Citizens of the Republic survived with advance technology.

Cynets; cybernetic implants and prosthetics. Filtration devices to breathe the toxic air. And of course; Ils, the optical implant that allows any user to see the world as they like.

But not everyone was so happy with The Republic. A criminal group calling themselves The Martyrists had formed. Their sole intention was to end The Republic and with-it humanity's last chance at survival. Seeing themselves as the heroes, they slaughtered thousands and finally found a way to end it all for good.

Fulgur Ovid and his collaborator finally found the safe that the group Martyrists have been hiding. It had been hidden in one of the old buildings that the Doomers used as a depository for their money.

Fulgur and his partner were making their way to the safe, "Time travel? Are you serious?" His partner folded her arms, "It's all experimental. But they don't care. They're desperate to go back four centuries and undo all of this!" He knocked on the safe, "So behind this door...", he looked at her, "Is timey wimey McGuffin shit, huh?" She pushed his arm, "Are you kidding me!? We're the final two members of The Legion left standing! Do you take anything seriously?" Fulgur turned to her and asked her if she was afraid. She nodded and he held her cheek. She closed her eyes as she leaned into his hand. Fulgur let out a little laugh and he dearly said, "You should be~" The girl opened her eyes and stared at him. "You're the last member of The Legion left standing. Me? I'm a Legatus." He changed the placement of his hand, now it held tightly on her chin, "Just do me one favour and die slowly to distract a few on your way out." She didn't know how to respond. He smirked and calmly said, "That's my girl, now go and follow my orders." She pushed his hand off, "You absolute- " Fulgur cut her off, "And that's an RPG. You might want- " At that moment a bomb went off. Fulgur and his partner flew in different directions.

Fulgur was on the ground, he could hear a peeping sound as he looked around the room. He saw an old rival, "Vulpes?" He tried to stand up, "I should have known you'd be cowardly enough to run away to another time!" Vulpes tilted his head, "You really don't die, do you Legatus? Unlike your friends" He had a big smile on his face. Fulgur seemed to be looking around for his partner. Vulpes let out a little chuckled that built up to a maniacal laugh, he stepped on the girls detached arm and crushed it even further. Fulgur made himself stand up on one knee, "Tell me about it. She didn't even distract one enemy", he scoffed. Vulpus kicked her arm away and looked back at him, "And now I must bid you adieu, for I will make sure this never happened!" Fulgur squinted his eyes in confusion. Vulpus scratched his head, "You do get it, don't you? You won't exist." He had a blank expression on his face after that response, "Uhu, okay." Vulpus felt confused, "...You don't want to stop me?" Fulgur sighed, "Do you know why I hate time travel stories and other reality-bending crap?" "You what?" Fulgur went on a full-blown rant, "They always have these dumb asspulls where a character goes back to try and change something. So let me tell you how this works. Either time travel doesn't exist, and you step through that... whatever and get torn to pieces never to be seen again. Or you go through and create a new timeline where you from the present has gone back to alter the past. You create a very nice timeline for you and all your friends, which becomes just a self-fellating existence where you are God since you know all. Either way, enough about that. But I think, therefore I am, and you're not rewriting my existence. I'll still be here in a world where you didn't exist 400 years ago. So, be my guest, roll those dices, and fuck off out of my timeline." Vulpus chuckled, "Ow yeah?" , he pulled out a weapon that could create a portal to another world and pointed it at Fulgur, "How about we roll those dices together, one last time, Fu-chan?" He put his finger on the trigger, but before he could press it Fulgur collected all of his strength, stood up and punched his face. Vulpes dropped the portal gun as he fell back on the ground, he placed his hand on the place where Fulgur's fist made contact with his face. Fulgur had a smug smirk on his face, but suddenly a weird dark mass started to form underneath his body. They both looked at it not knowing what to say. Suddenly Fulgur's body got consumed by the black mass, "Fuc- " The black mass started to disappear. Vulpes crawled to it and tried to get through it or at least keep it open. But the mass had a mind of his own. "Fu-chan?"

Fulger fell into the mass, but for a moment he felt like he wasn't moving. They area surrounding him was completely covered with darkness. It felt like he got consumed by an abyss, forever floating around a never-ending pit. But after a while he saw a small light shine down from above. Fulgur reached out to it and before he knew he entered a new world. But he could quickly leave this world as he entered it. He was holding onto the edge of a building. A panicked feeling arose in his chest, and he started to breath heavily, another reason for that were the lasting injuries he received from the explosion.

"Okay! You got this." He pulled himself up on the roof and threw his body on the floor. He was trying to calm himself down, but he started laughing at himself, "Ah, I really don't die." He let out a big sigh and sat himself up, "I guess the multiverse is a thing. I need a drink, and a nap." He got up to look out on to this new world, "This", he let out a chuckle, "This is gonna be fun!" He swung his head back and let out a maniacal laugh. 

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