Chapter 17

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upcoming possible triggers:
in the movie the father starts drinking and hurting the boy which leads to George getting trauma flashbacks, making him have a panic attack. then George brings up his past about it.

Sapnap handed the man at the stand their tickets for the cinema and stilled in with a smile on his face. This was apart of his plan to hook the two up and get them closer. The movie was about romance and how these two boys fell in love but came from a completely different lifestyle. Little did Sapnap know, it was extremely triggering for George. Dream carried the two pots of popcorn with one hand and held George's hand with the other.

After what felt like forever, the 3 had found their seats and sat down.

"Selfie!" Sapnap shouted as no one else was there yet, due to their early arrival. Sapnap chose George's favourite filter (mostly because George wouldn't join the photo without it) and took the photo. He smiled as he looked at the photo; George was leaning back on Dream's arm and Dream had his other arm over Georges shoulder, on his chest to pull him closer. Sapnap saved it and added it to his public story for his fans to see.

'have you not noticed what i did yet?' George wrote in his small notepad, shuffling it over to Dream, who's face stiffened to confusion.

"No, what did you do?"

'look at your nails >:)'

Dream turned on his phone and shined the home screen on his nails, revealing the green pinky and thumb, the blue index finger and ring finger and finally the middle finger's nail painted. Dream smiled and looked up as the advertisements had begun.

Throughout the movie Sapnap frequently looked at the two, hoping they were atleast hugging, looking at eachother or holding hands, which they were but they tried to hide it. Dream had brushed his hand against George's and interlocked it when he turned it over. George had just put Dream's hoodie, which he took off leaving him in his grey shirt, ontop of their hands so Sapnap wouldn't suspect a thing, although he did.

Suddenly a scene from the movie came on. The fatherwas drinking vodka and was, to put it in a less graphic way, hurting the boy. Dream turned to see if George was doing okay after seeing this scene but George was just zoned out, breathing slowly. Dream shook George's hand from under the hoodie to snap him out of it but he just was completely out. Dream stood up and waved his hand infront of George, getting Sapnap's attention too.

"Yo, is he okay?"

"George? Hello?" Dream whispered, putting a hand on George's shoulder, making him flinch and snap out of his thoughts.

"Are you okay, dude? You were completely zoned out and we were really worr-" George just stood up and barged past Dream, walking out of the cinema. Dream looked at Sapnap confused.

"What just happened?"

"I don't know."

"I'll stay here, if there's anyone who knows him better than I do it's you. I'll stay here and if he doesn't like the movie or anything we can go home and play snakes and ladders." Dream nodded and fast-walked down the stairs before running out. Dream stopped and looked around before going up to a staff member asking where George was.

"Do you know where a boy with brown hair, a navy hoodie with the words 'SOOT' on it and some black jeans went? He's my friend and he just ran out of the cinema."

"Oh, yes. He went into the men's restroom."

"Thank you." Dream turned around and walked in the bathroom, slowly opening the door. He looked around and noticed no one was in there, only a locked stall. Dream walked up to the cubicle and knocked lightly on the door with the back of his hand.

"George? Are you in there?" Dream asked. He could tell it was George because he had the black and white checked vans he had bought him on. George just lifted his feet up so Dream couldn't see him and just froze so Dream couldn't hear him.

"George, please. I know you're in there. You can write to me what happened and I can help. Sapnap said if you don't wanna watch the movie anymore then we can go home." Dream leaned against the door, trying to hear any movement from George. After around three seconds of Dream begging George to let him in, he did. Dream walked over to George and hugged him. He could tell he was crying but Dream decided it was best for him to not talk about it.

"You can tell me about it at home if you want."

George just sat still and didn't lift his head up, nor hug Dream back. Dream accepted the fact George didn't want to hug him back and just leaned against the wall.

"Do you wanna go out to the car? We can just stay home and play video games."

George stood up and kept facing the floor. He leaned to the side and hugged Dream's arm as he walked out. Dream texted Sapnap and they all made their way out to the car. Sapnap sat in the front with Dream and George sat in the back on his own because he wanted to. The car ride home was mostly silent as normally after seeing a movie in the cinema, that's what you'd talk about.

"Do you wanna play a board game when we get home, George?" Sapnap asked, looking at the mirror to see George.

George didn't move, he just kept looking out the window, and then at Dream. He noticed this and handed George his notepad to write.

'can i just write what i need to now and then show you when we get in?'

Dream nodded and watched as George wrote. Beings as the cinema was only around 5 miles away they got home pretty quick, but George wasn't done writing yet so he held his notepad to his chest until he got home and locked himself in Dream's room.

an hour later

After hearing a bunch of crying and sniffling from his room, Dream began to worry. He had been outside his room, waiting for George but he was just in there.

Suddenly a piece of paper was slid under the door and the door unlocked. Dream decided to read the paper first and then accompany George.

'i don't wanna go in depth about it because it makes me remember it and stuff but here you go.

so after my mum died my dad got into a really bad state of depression and he started drinking and smoking to cope. he'd leave me home alone at 5 and go to the pub. id sometimes worry about my dad because he'd be in the pub for days, sometimes he'd sleep outside to go in the pub when it opens so he could drink, smoke, and bet more. i didn't know how to cook so id just starve for a few days until he came back, ordered a takeaway to last me a week and then go again. it stressed me out alot because i had no one.

one day the pub closed and from then on everyday my dad would get really pissed at me for not talking and he'd throw beer bottles and stuff at me. he'd just hit me and watch football all day, screaming at the TV. that's why i always asked for a sleepover at your house and why i started sneaking out the house at 8 to see you. you just made everything better and i know we were only kids but i felt safe with you, like all my problems would disappear the second you'd hug me and i was in your arms. you made my life better and im sorry for ruining our day and making us leave early.

the door is unlocked if you maybe wanna cuddle c:

ilysm and thank you for helping me today. <3'

Dream left the paper on the floor and went inside. George was already asleep so he just climbed in bed next to him and pulled him on his lap, hugging him until he fell asleep himself.

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