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I can hear the rustling of the sheets next door, his wings flapping softly as he stretches them, a sharp inhale and a muffled sigh. It's almost midday and Snow is finally awake.

I've already had coffee this morning but I like to wait for him to have breakfast if I can help it. So I set my copy of The Picture of Dorian Gray aside and head to the small kitchen. The toasts are ready and the kettle has just boiled by the time I feel him stepping into the room. I pretend I do not notice. He's trying to be quiet and I know how much he loves to surprise me like that. I hold my breath when I feel his warm arms around my waist.

"Good morning" he purrs against the back of my neck before leaving a soft kiss. I close my eyes. Seven Snakes, Simon's morning voice is gonna be the end of me.

I turn around to face him. And to kiss him. First a gentle one on his forehead, then a quick one on the top of his nose, and lastly I kiss his lips. Mint and sage with a hint of clove. I smile and cock an eyebrow.

"You've used my toothpaste, mister" I try to keep a straight face but can't hold the smile back.

"Sorry" he whispers but he's also smiling. "It's just it tastes like you"

I laugh and kiss him, deeply. Not sure in which order. I hug him and burrow my face in his shoulder.

"How was your night?" I ask. He's been restless at night lately. Sleeping with Snow is not an easy job. But sharing a bed when he's having a bad night is almost impossible. His wings and tails have a live on their own.

He shrugs.

"That bad?"

"There've been better" he says without looking at me.

"There will be better" I add resting my forehead on his. He nods but doesn't say anything.

"Come on. Help me with this" I ask him pointing at the breakfast. Then I grab one of the mugs and the toasts and head to the sofa.

Simon sits next to me, kiss me on my left shoulder and starts eating in complete silence. I smile to myself and do the same.

I think we've reach a new place in our relationship where we are just comfortable with each other's presence. We kiss, touch, caress and smile at each other without needing to speak to understand the other. However, sometimes I wish we'd talk.

Simon's been quieter than usual. I know he's ruminating his thought, just going over and over about the latest news, trying to make sense of it. Trying to process it. Crowley, I am still processing it.

It's been three weeks since Simon slid out of Lady Ruth's table an Excalibur only a Salisbury could lift. Three weeks since he found out the Mage was his actual father —that he killed his actual father—. It's been three weeks since Simon Snow found out he was a magician all along. A magician who's lost his magic.

I turn to him and observe him enjoy his toast with too much butter on it. He's chewing with his eyes closed and a satisfied smile on his lips. I comb one of the wild curls falling over his forehead and he looks at me. I love losing myself in all that blue. I couldn't help it really even if I'd try, but that's another story.

Simon swallows and sighs. I think he's about to smile but then changes his mind.

"I think I'm gonna go back to therapy" he announces. And I think I must pull the strangest face because he laughs and holds my hand gently.

"Are you serious?" It's all I can say. It's barely a whisper.

"You don't think it's a good idea?" he asks and I can see the panic in his eyes.

"I think it's a brilliant idea!" I assure him. I do. I have been waiting to hear these very same words for months.


HI! Thank you for reading till the end!!!

So first of all I must say I'm completely new to the fandom and ficdom so please bear with me. I finished reading the trilogy last week and needed to write down my version of the continuation of the story.

Once I'm done I'll start reading all of the other stories in here so if you wanna catch me up and recommend some titles I'd truly appreciate it.

Anyway I hope you're up for the ride. Thank you again for reading xx

Nothing Really Matters // SnowbazWhere stories live. Discover now