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I'm pretty certain neither of us is watching the movie any longer at this point. I'm too busy stroking Simon's curls, going down to his nape, massaging his neck for a bit and coming back up again. I could do this for hours and wouldn't get bored. He's lying on my lap and I can feel his warm rhythmic breath through my blue striped pyjama bottoms. I don't think he's asleep yet but rather he's completely given in to my caresses.

"Baz" Simon murmurs. I freeze.

"Everything alright, love?"

"Yeah," Simon says softly. "But don't stop." He takes my hand and buries it in his curls. I laugh but start stroking his hair again.

"Better?" I ask.

Snow nods against my left thigh. "Uh–huh."

For a moment I believe Simon has forgotten about what he was about to say. He's just sighing every now and then and rubbing his nose against my leg, right on top of knee whilst I play with his hair.

"I've been thinking." He finally says

"Well that's new"

"Baz," He pinches my leg but he is smiling. "I'm trying to say something important here."

"I know, sorry. Carry on" I tickle his ribs gently and he twitches under my fingers laughing. His left wing opens out of reflex to cover his side so I move my hand back to Snow's head. I can see he's trying to find the right words, putting his thoughts in order. I start massaging his scalp and I feel him relax slightly. Good.

"Do you think I should take what the Mage left me?" Simon asks with his eyes closed.

"I thought you already did" I reply carefully. He's used the Mage's money to pay for the sofa we're lying on. And for every piece of furniture there is in this house as well as for the flat itself.

"Well, yeah." He sits up. (Bye hair.) I turn to face him, he's bitting his bottom lip nervously. "I mean, I took the money but I didn't want anything to do with his—his personal stuff."

"Personal stuff?" I repeat. He hadn't mentioned any of this before.

Simon sighs dramatically. "He left me everything. His wand, his sword, a collection of daggers and some furniture too apparently."

"Crowley. And d'you want all of it?" I'd probably accept it just so I could burn everything myself to be honest. But then again Simon is way more forgiving than I am.

"Well I didn't, did I?" He hisses. "But that was before—well, before I knew everything." He's frowning and avoiding eye contact. He's flapping his arms like a maniac trying to explain himself.

"Of course." I say softly petting his leg.

"And now somehow I feel maybe it'll help me to understand. Is it stupid?" He covers his face with his hands and grunts. I wish I could make all of his anxiety magically disappear.

I take Simon's hands and pull gently to make him look at me. He does and we both sigh.

"I think it's perfectly normal that you want to have what is rightfully yours. Especially if it'd help you to put the pieces of your past together. To know who we are sometimes we need to know where we come from."

Simon jumps forward and hugs me with his whole body. "Thank you."

I hug him back as firmly as I can leaving soft kisses on his neck and jaw.

"Can you still have it?" I ask after a few minutes still holding him tight against my chest.

"Yes. Dr Wellbelove said that since I haven't signed anything giving it up everything is still legally mine. The Coven has it stored somewhere apparently but I could have it here by tomorrow if I wanted to."

I pull back so I can look at him and hold his face in my hands.

"Do you want to?"

He considers the question for a second before replying: "I think so. Yes."

"I could help you go through some of the stuff if you'd like." I propose, my thumbs drawing small circles over his cheeks.

"Would you do it?" Simon asks and his face lights up.

"Of course I would." Hasn't Snow realised yet I would do anything for him?

"That'd be amazing, Baz, thank you." His smile is contagious. Circe I love this idiot so much.

"If what you want is information though, we could pay Lady Ruth and Jamie a visit."

They have invited us several times since the day we found out who Simon really was. But he has politely decline every single invitation thus far. I totally understand him. Too much to deal with at the same time. I know it'll do him good when he's ready, whenever that is.

"I'll think about it." Simon says and I know he means it. He then closes the distance and pecks my lips with a little laugh.

"That's enough." I whisper against his mouth and kiss him back. This time we take our time.


Thank you again for reading till the end. I'm loving the process of writing this story. I hope you're enjoying it just as much 💖💖💖

Nothing Really Matters // SnowbazWhere stories live. Discover now