Kira decided she hated planes. She had a window seat, which she enjoyed the views given by the heightened elevation with much delight, but there was a mother and her child a few rows back and the child refused to be quiet. If it wasn't "Are we there yet?" It was "I'm hungry/thirsty." The child wouldn't sleep, causing Kira to plug in her headphones and listen to music on her phone. Then the person next to her kept falling asleep and their head would fall into her shoulder, only for them to be woken up when Kira pushed them off. They would apologize a few times and then twenty minutes later, do the exact same thing.

Kira was on her last straw when the plane finally touched down. She got off the plane quickly, hurrying her way to get her bags. It only took 15 minutes for her to get through baggage claim, thankfully, unlike some people who were already complaining about being there for hours and no sign of their luggage.

Heading towards the exit, she saw him. Her father.

Aizawa Shouta stood slightly hunched, in a lazy, tired stance, hands in his pockets. He was in civilian clothes, but his typical get up of all black. Part of his long black hair was messily pulled back into a bun, the rest laid over his shoulders.

"Akira. You look exactly as your mother did eighteen years ago." He sounded tired, then again, when didn't he. "How was the flight?"

Kira shrugged. "Not terrible, not good."

The pair began their walk to the apartment that they both will now call home, the noise of the world around them the only sounds. It didn't take them long to reach the apartment, Shouta quickly unlocked it and let them in. He led her to the spare bedroom, her new bedroom. "This is yours. It's not much, but we can go pick up some stuff later."

Kira nodded, her eyes scanning the room. A mattress with simple grey bedding hugged one wall, a hope chest at the foot. On the opposite wall sat a dresser next to the closet. The wall which held the door had a small desk, a cup full of pens and pencils the only thing on top. The final wall had a TV mounted in the corner opposite the bed. It was just enough for someone who was starting over.

Shouta left shortly after that, having to go make dinner for the two. At the thought of food, Kira's stomach growled, reminding her she hadn't eaten much that day.

Pushing the upcoming supper to the back of her mind, Kira began unpacking her suitcase, placing things in their respective drawers and on hangers in the closet. When she got to the bottom of her suitcase, there were two packages and a letter sitting on top of them, addressed to her.

Recognizing her aunt's handwriting, she opened the letter, a sad smile forming when she pulled out the letter and the picture. The smiling faces of Kira, Beatriz, and a group of people Kira had grown to see as family until everything happened.

A blonde girl with shining grey eyes had her arm wrapped around Kira's neck, some metal cybernetics shown just above her eyebrows. Her hair was tied into a braid and draped across her shoulder, and she wore a tank top with different crystals and their powers, a pair of denim shorts and a black and white plaid flannel tied across her waist. Bracelets and wristbands littered her wrists, a couple necklaces laid on top of the tank top. Next to her was a brunette, her arm resting on the blonde's shoulder. To the other side of Kira stood a boy, his tanned skin complimenting his athletic build. His jet black hair fell across his forehead as his hazel eyes reflected his smile that used to be something Kira liked about him. Beside him stood another girl, her purple hair curled around her shoulders. She was the shortest of the group, and was laughing during the picture because the boy had decided to rest his arm on her head.

These people had been her family for the past ten years as she worked to hide her true identity from the world. Most of them hadn't known the truth about her. Only the blonde knew, but she had taken her secret to the grave.

Setting the picture to the side she opened the letter.

This is from Alona, she had me save it for you since you basically lived at her house too. She was waiting for your birthday to give it to you, but as you know, she will be unable to do that. Don't cry, she is just fine, watching over you from above. Don't forget the memories you two made here as you create many more over there. Have fun and don't forget that I am always a phone call away.

Love, aunt B
            P.S. take lots of pictures!

Kira smiled at the letter, placing it with the picture before picking up the smaller of the two packages. Tearing open the striped paper wrapping around it, Kira's breath stopped as she recognized the camera that was hidden beneath the wrapping paper. It had belonged to Alona, the blonde from the picture. Her hands ran over the cool metal of the camera, switching it on to see the screen light up, memories of the blonde flooding her mind. Bittersweet, they were, as she set the camera down and tried to push them from her mind. Kira picked the second package, the same striped paper hiding it's contents. Tearing this one open, she pulled out a scrapbook. The pages inside were littered with pictures and small memorabilia of the pair's time together. The memories that Kira had previously pushed to the back of her mind made their way to the front once more as the tears came. She didn't stop them.

The reality of losing her closest friend hit her hard. It had been a blur before then, but now, it felt real. It was real. A sob broke out and she quickly brought her hand up to cover her mouth as she tossed the scrapbook away to not ruin anything on its pages. The memories held in each picture and each swirl of Alona's handwriting. The memory of her laughter whenever Amaryllis said something sarcastic or full of sass. The memory of her smile every time she saw their little group. The memory of when they first met.

And then the other memories hit her. Alona's last words, her plea for everyone to run as she bought them time, still plugged into the building's system. Her promise to come back, now impossible as she died in the explosion of the building. The failed mission that led Kira back to the messed up system of supposed heroes.

She didn't fight the blackout as she lost control of her emotions.

- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -

1166 words.
Sorry about the long wait, I'll announce the next chapter upload sometime on my profile. Also, I'm gonna link my Linktree in my bio, feel free to check it out. It also comes with a discord server that you can use to communicate with me. I'm usually active there.

Anygay, thanks for reading and sending virtual hugs to all you lovely sunshines and gorgeous starlights


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