Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 4

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Jisoo was thrilled when her design moved to the next level of the competition. With the cameras set up and her model sent to the backstage ,she plops into the chair besides Seokjin.

"How are you feeling? "
Seokjin asks .He had taken a day off from his work so that he could be there for his friend to pacify and cheer her on.Also why will anyone miss the biggest fashion show ever taking place ? He was a sucker for those.

And on top of it he had a free ticket .

Jisoo gave a small nod ,trying to look cheerful despite her nervousness.Kim Namjoon himself was going to be present at the last round or so has they heard.He hadn't showed up yet.

"I am trying not to be too nervous.My presentation earlier went good, my model is looking stunning in that outfit ,makeup and hair is done and I have seen last year's runways and I am sure I have somehow got closer to what they are looking for "

She bits her nails nervously ,glancing at the spot where Seolna was sitting.She was the one hosting and judging the contest.

"Great !"

Seokjin chirps and then there was no time to chat as the announcement was made and Jisoo springs off the chair to sit back on the chair labelled with her name in the front row seats.

She glances back to where Seokjin was sitting at the end of the rows and waved getting a flying kiss in return.Aish this man! She thought.

The lights dimmed above her and she sat up straight.

"Ladies and gentleman,thank you for coming to the show .Now let's start our final round shall we ?"
The announcer strides to the stage , Jisoo recognizes as K.S Fashions publicity head .

"We welcome this year's finalists and their families, as well as all of our other guests! For those who don't know, these are the top twenty designers of this year's contest. Our judges deemed their designs good enough to actually take off of the paper and bring to life, and we'll be seeing those designs tonight and hearing about more of the process behind designing and sewing these.And I for one can't wait to see which one of them goes into K.S.F's collection!!"

A huge round of applause thundered into the hall and Seokjin groans when he sees Hyunwoo calling him.Why can't this man let him live ! He cuts the call waiting for the show to actually start.

The first model walked in and Seokjin watched in awe at the intricate patterns and designs. But he knows they all have to yet see what his bestie has to present.Soon Jisoo's model Rose stepped on the runaway and gasps and thundering of claps echoed.

Seokjin beamed widely mirroring the widest smile on Jisoo's face and mouths a 'told ya' which she returns with a enthusiastic nod.

And in no time the show was over and the announcements for the winners began.Seokjin was still every much glued to his seat eagerly waiting for Seolna to say those magical words.He was sure Jisoo atleast made up to the top three and like he imagined she did .

His excitement soon turned into dread when Jisoo starts talking about how it wasn't entirely her idea and if anyone is worthy of getting the award today ,it's her best friend Seokjin who is hiding his handsome face behind his hands ,cursing nonstop.

What had she done!

After the results were announced  Seokjin didn't waited for the CEO's speech .He had to run away before the judge sees him.Which he was sure she did but Seokjin still has to try .

"You are an idiot "
Seokjin scowls ,crossing his arms over his chest .

"I was being honest"

Jisoo shrugs waving the prize money in her hand.She didn't got the internship since she spilled that the idea wasn't entirely hers.The audience were also against of her being in the contest anymore and said she doesn't deserve to be in top three .

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