Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 37

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"I am taking my resignation back"
Namjoon announces ,lifting his trousers a little as he gently lowers him into the chair,ignoring the short gasp of Seolna's secretary who stood next to her .

His mother however, doesn't look surprised .But the way she grip the file tight for a second busted her .

Namjoon smirks ,leaning back into the chair and unbottons his suit jacket waiting for her reaction.Honestly he already knows what she is going to say or do.

Seolna is going to accept it.

"That's good"

Called it !

"Although how long until you draft another ,Namjoon ? "

Oh she knows me so well,it's terrifying

"By the time Kim Taehyung turns 28,I would have a month left of my tenure"
There's no shame in being honest and Namjoon is always brutally honest with Seolna.

She sighs ,casting the file aside and picks up Namjoon's resignation letter , handing it to her secretary .

Namjoon feels immense satisfaction at the sound of the paper shredding into tiny minuscle pieces as they slip through the shredding machine .He smiles brightly,dimples popping as he meets Seolna's wounded gaze.

He expects the question even before it escapes her lips

"Is there any reason behind your sudden decision?"

"There's nothing sudden about whatever I do ,Director-nim"
He tries his expression to keep as neutral as possible but it's hard to pretend in front of Seolna.

She motions at her secretary who bows and leaves the cabin ,closing the mahagony door behind him.

"Is this about Seokjin?"
She asks ,detecting the obvious

Namjoon doesn't take the bait.

Seokjin is his ultimate weakness but no one needs to know.And he would be foolish to say it loud.

He never even sent an official mail of his resignation and he bets Seolna feels deceived.

The only thing Namjoon is forever grateful to Hanbin is ,he did not signed K.S over to Seolna or Taehyung in his will when he died.If the woman had known before ,she would have herself strangled him to death.

His posture remains calm and he shooks his head ,"I thought it would be better if everything is white.Wouldnt want to get tangle in legal adverseries now can I ? Besides you can always trust me for my word .But I would need the safety net if I am ever going to focus on my goal"

"It's just sad that you don't feel the same for me ,Namjoon"
Seolna says ,strolling over to the window ,her back to Namjoon

"You know it's nothing personal .My trust is something I don't freely let anyone have access to"

She lets out a shaky sigh .Namjoon almost ,almost bits his tongue and takes his words back.But again ,she is used to his honesty

"Guess that's all you wanted my time for"

He nods , mumbling under his breath as he stands "Yes it is,Director-nim"

She swings on her heels and yells "Namjoon!"

"Yes ,Director-nim?"
He says ,back straight

"Can't we go back to how we were ?"

"Like how I was before you tried to backstab me ? What were you thinking when you decided to drag an innocent in your game ? Oh I know .You weren't"

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