Chapter Two-The new haters

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Leopold "Leo" Staeving, or "Leo" to his friends, was a violent youth. His parents, Natasha and Ricardo Staeving, were Russian and Italian.

     Natasha was a scientist who worked on ovarian cancer research for The Kremlin; Ricardo was an Italian mafia head who did "odd jobs" for Luigi Castaelomano, the "Don of Rome".

       These "odd jobs" included putting hits on "rats", (gangsters who sold out the Mafia to the Italian Government so that they could escape with their wives and children). But, in the end, they didn't survive; they had their lives cut short by machine gun fire at "Leo's" hands.


Now Leo grew up knowing that his childhood was full of love for his Mom. Cancer was an enemy of the body.

           And he vowed to help cancer victims when he had had enough money to see sick kids in the Hospitals who didn't have a future...unless they got expensive drugs to let them live...or to have fun for the short time they had left on Earth.


Leo was now 16. He had short, black colored hair, brown colored eyes, and tall. He wore a cheap black colored jacket, black colored tie, black colored trousers, a black colored belt, black colored socks, black colored (polished) shoes, and a silver colored watch on his right hand.

                   He grabbed his silver I-phone and spoke loudly.

                    "Look, Seamus. Got to really do the deal. If you don't, I'll come down to your home...and re-arrange your arms...and legs...and it!", Leo yelled.

                    "Leo,  you're acting like an idiot! You're a pain in our business...Frankly, one bloody night, you'll be dead...And, when that happens, I'll be the one who won't be crying at your funeral", Seamus said, "...and, by the way, this conversation is being recorded...My parents work for the FBI", he added. And he pressed the END CALL button...and smiled.


"CRAP! THIS IS NOT GOOD!", yelled Leo, as he also pressed the END CALL button. He decided to figure a way out of this mess.

                     One way or the other, he'll find a way out.

                      Or die trying.


He walked down the dimly lit road. Leo shivered.

                    New York was a city that never sleeps.

                    But it was famous for its crime.

                     Leo knew of the city's dark past.

                     Every migrant that came to New York lived, breathed, and visited America. They travelled to the city eager to live, work, write, and experience...

                     ...And that also included death.


Leo walked along 7th Avenue when he saw the Vampires.

                      They had long, black colored gothic hair, red colored eyes, and were tall. Their ample breasts was prominently displayed...and their skin was deathly pale.

                       He stared at their long, slender legs,  black colored stockings, and high-heeled black colored shoes on their feet.

                     And their sharp, deadly fangs gleamed in the eerie moonlight.

                     Leo also saw their red colored lipstick on their luscious mouths. A surge of horror gripped him.

                      They glided towards him.

                        "A New Blood...So tasty! There are other New Bloods in our city. There's a darkness here...and there's no escape; there's only death. Real death. There's all kinds of death. And, for a select few, death is a new way out...It seems that death will free a lost soul. Yes; yes, a lost soul. But lost souls are usually dejected outcasts...We know that there death of a good soul goes to Heaven; the death of an evil soul goes to Hell...These days, such deaths go beyond death; beyond evil. Evil, as a word, is symptomatic of a  source of horror...We confuse words for describing death. In a way, we are the source...And we feed on the blood of humans...and ourselves...and wash the blood over our mouths...and breasts...and legs...And sharp fangs...We demand sex. And, if anyone complains, we force our will upon them...Like one of the lesbian sisters at Mist Gate Castle in London, England. Of course, they're pompous and regal Vampires for centuries past...We are modern women. Modern Vampires...And modern Undead. We will take what we can...and we will bleed you dry...Now, will you let us feed on your neck?", a female Vampire asked.

                     "I...I...I rather leave", Leo answered.

                     And he walked away from the impending threat...Only to see the Vampire move so fast Leo didn't have time to scream, as she bit deep into his neck with her sharp fangs.

                     "OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!", Leo screamed again.

                       Hot, fresh blood gushed, and flesh ripped, and Leo died in a violent spasm. And, within seconds, he was dead.

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