Bruce, Rachel and Alfred

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(TDK Universe, Wayne Manor)

Bruce: "All those years I wanted to kill him.."

(Rachel slap)

Bruce: "...all those.."

(Rachel slap again)

(Rachel shakes her head)

Rachel: "Your father would be ashamed of you."

Bruce: " I ca.."

(Rachel slap)

Alfred: "That'll be quite enough of that, Miss Rachel."

(Brings breakfast into the master bedroom)

Bruce: "Just a little reminiscing, Alfred. What's that?"

Alfred: "Prepared a little breakfast."

Rachel: "Thank you, Alfred. You got any condensed milk left?"

(Gives Bruce a playful smile)

Alfred: "...quite. It's well hidden behind my furnet branca."

Bruce: "You're welcome to sit with us, Alfred. You don't have to do so much work."

Alfred: "Much appreciated, Master Bruce but I prefer not to uh..lie down on the job as it were. Not to mention the fact that I highly doubt that bed is uh..sanitary."

(Rachel giggled and covered her mouth)

Bruce: "It's not where we were underneath...but what we'd do...that de.."

Alfred: "I beg your pardon, sir but I'd much prefer not to hear the end of that se.."

Rachel: "That defines us!"

(Laughs and flops backward on the bed)

Alfred: "In the uh..meantime sir, might I suggest you try to avoid damaging...that  head...board."

Bruce: "Someone like you."

Alfred: "..wha..?"

Bruce: "Someone who'll rattle the cages."

(Rachel laughed and rolled around, giggling into a pillow)

Alfred: "...I'll go tune the piano."

Bruce: "Yeah but Alfred.."

Alfred: "And remember..unlock the door, put the tray on the table..lock the door again. Nothin more."

Batman: Only Joking (Part 4)Where stories live. Discover now