Chapter 9: Final Departure

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Mikasa just then suddenly came in.
Levi and Eren both looked at her with their naked wide eyes. Levi jumped out if Eren's body. Then, Mikasa broke the silence.

"Why are you two fighting?" She asked as she raised an eyebrow and closes the door behind her.

Levi turned to Eren with a poker face then he clenched his fists and aimed at Eren's face but luckily, Mikasa quickly ran over to him and grabbed his hand to block the punch and puts her forearms around Levis waist and separated him Eren who linked like stomped by a horse

"Now, would you mind explaining now Levi?"

"Can't you see it Mikasa? I'm teaching this little brat a lesson!?" Levi answered so loudly that even his neighbores could here him

"No, that's not nice now." Mikasa said as she let go of Levi "You shouldn't made him like a punching-face nor bag." Mikasa added

"Mikasa, can you hear me!?" Levi dictated "You've been suffering for days and nights just because you love him!?" Levi continued as he pointed his finger to Eren

"I know. But, I finally got over him, after all, he's married to his lady, Annie" Mikasa stated "Am I right? Eren?"

Tears form through her eyes.
Oh, the time... Its now the time for me to explore Mikasa thought as she quickly wiped away her tears

"Goodbye Levi, Eren. It was nice to live with you both." Mikasa said as she turned back and starts walking towards the door until...

"Wait Mikasa..." Eren pleaded

"Now what is it you?" Mikasa asked

"You know I can get divorced to Annie" Eren stated and mikasa turned to him and puts a hand in his face and wipes Eren's tears away

"You don't need to Eren. She needs and you need her, besides, I'll be a bother to you. Am I right?" Mikasa asked

"No..." Eren answered

"Huh? What do you mean by that?" She curiously asked

"The person that I needed the most in my life is you, mikasa." Eren stated as he moved closely to Mikasa to kiss her but...

"No Eren. It was all just a lie. The words you said, the actions that you've always do when you cared about me." She demanded

"No those weren't all lie, it cane from my heart so please, be with me forever. I'm begging you" eren proposed as he grabbed Mikasa's hand but she broke free

"Sorry. . .doesn't help anything, bye." She reprimanded

"Please Mikasa! I'm begging you!" Eren provoked but Mikasa continued walking away

"Hope your happy for what you did." Levi snapped but Eren is in blank face and was speechless

I loved you.... Eren thought be continued...

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