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The loud creak from the opening door sends a jolt through your heart, waking you from another dream filled with blood and bruised faces. Looking up with tired eyes, you find Mori returning the same confusion plastered on his face.

"You're here early," he mutters, eyeing the empty classroom and your sleepy appearance. "Too early."

"I didn't wanna risk being late again," you say mid-yawn, "I wasn't able to get much sleep last night."

"I can see that."

"Mhm," you lean forward onto your desk in an attempt to stay awake. "Especially with everything that happened last night, I'm lucky that I got at least two hours—"

"Don't talk about that." Mori says, his glare cutting you from across the room, "We don't ever talk about the fights, or the bets, or the underground ring whenever we want, okay?"

His voice is startling. "I—I wasn't going to say anything about it."

"Good." Mori replies more calmly this time, "We can't risk having word of the UR floating around the school."

"But no one's here."

"Doesn't matter. We keep it safe by not talking about it." he catches your eyes threatening to shut, "And try to get some more sleep. You have about thirty minutes until class starts."

You thank him with a nod, and when you bury your head into your arms, Mori starts shuffling around the classroom quietly, being cautious not to wake you again.

Even though Mori has only known you for a short period of time, he wanted to do his best to treat you as just another one of Nekoma's team members. He even found it difficult at times to distinguish his career as a teacher from his under-the-table job as a ringside physician.

Being the watchful eye — both in the classroom and in the UR — made him feel great amounts of responsibility. Even so, he wouldn't have it any other way.

Mori is already typing away on his laptop when the first few students walk into the classroom. The desks fill up as more minutes tick by, all of the students ignoring your napping figure in the back.

A notebook lands on your desk with a smack, sending another jolt throughout your body that wakes you. With tired eyes, you blink a few times, your vision blurry but still able to read the words scribbled on the sheet in front of you.

Good morning, sleepyhead.

You sigh through your nose, already knowing who the note is from.

Mori had already started his lesson, writing questions on the board for his students to answer. Before you can grab a pencil from your bag to write a reply, Kuroo tosses his own over the aisle that separates your desks. He leans over, waiting impatiently for your answer.

After another sigh, you straighten your back, pick up his pencil, and write a note under his.

𝐓𝐊𝐎 (𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐎𝐔𝐓) • kuroo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now