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The team huddles around their captain. All of their eyes focus on the steaming bag in Kuroo's hands, waiting to prey on the pork buns inside. Even when he leads them out of the plaza and through the train station, they stand close by.

"Okay," Kuroo tries to calm his team down when they inch closer, their mouths practically watering. "Let our new manager get one first, and then—"

He's cut off when Yamamoto yanks the bag out of his hands with a wicked smile. "Sweet! Thank you!" The boys move quickly, nearly tearing the bag apart as they grab the buns and serve themselves.

Kuroo doesn't even try to stop them — he's gotten used to their shenanigans, having been their captain for what feels like years but what was only a few months.

"So," you take a step closer to the tired looking captain, "should we go back and get more?"

"That was their last batch," Kuroo sighs. His shoulders slump as he watches the boys devour their share, knowing that his and yours were also being eaten in the process. "And the next train is coming soon. Maybe tomorrow."

To some sort of luck, Kenma managed to get his hands on a pork bun, but knowing that he wasn't in the mood to eat or had worked up an appetite, he does his best to split the bun in half. He shakes the hair out of his face before holding up one half to you and the other Kuroo.

"Here." Kenma peeps, "Have mine. Not hungry."

"Nah, it's okay," Kuroo ruffles a hand through Kenma's hair, messing it with enough tangles that has the setter regretting the offer. "You enjoy it. I got it for you guys anyway."

Kenma, really not wanting to bother with the task of eating, shrugs his shoulders and gives the two halves to Yamamoto.

The few people wandering on the platform look over, wondering why a bunch of boys in school uniforms aren't in school at this hour. You glance around, hoping that you won't find someone in a police uniform patrolling the area, hunting for the slightest hint of the so-called brawls — Kuroo was covered in them, from his healing eye to his bruised knuckles.

"The train is finally here," Kai grins at his team.

"About damn time," Yamamoto adds, wiping the rest of his second pork bun off his mouth with a sleeve.

The train screeches to a halt. Skipping another day of school — your second day at a new school — was already giving you a bad idea of how you would be able to handle the rest of the year. But you don't argue, instead following the group of boys on the train and staying close to Kuroo's side.

People step to the side, making way when they see your group moving down the train. When the train starts moving, heading northbound and farther from the station, everyone stumbles, finds their footing, and walks as steadily as they can.

"Over there!" one of the boys points to a row of empty seats. Kuroo looks up, already preparing to ask his team to reserve one for you, but they make a run for it. They push and shove, and just like how it was back on the platform, you and Kuroo watch from the side.

Kuroo scratches his head awkwardly. "First the food, and now this. Was hoping they would at least give you a seat."

"It's okay," you wave him off before grabbing the nearest pole, stabilizing yourself on the shaky train. "It's not a big deal."

𝐓𝐊𝐎 (𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐎𝐔𝐓) • kuroo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now