New Player?

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I went home, like usual, the bus. I hated the bus but I had to deal with it, I played some Minecraft with James and then did my homework. 

After a while I walked back outside and played some more, there was another player...?

The username was unfamiliar, Chuz-Something rather. 

Already he seemed weird, a male but detailed skin. the hair seemed... Detailed, the pixels were small, the eyes were an average size, for a Minecraft charac--- 

"HEY!" He hit me. using my stone axe I chased after him and killed him, and I thought I was bad at PvP.

By default, thanks to James. The world was on OP, everyone had access to commands, after a while of crouching and me trying to get him to shut the fuck up, he killed me, and because he'd blown up our base. I was sent back to world spawn. AKA on a cliff near a basically a ravine with water that just shot through the world. I had no idea where he was now, 


He teleported to me soon after I saw the command in chat, giving this whip a netherite sword was a really stupid idea Minecraft. I jumped into the water, with keep inventory on I still had my stone axe. He jumped in after me, Big mistake. I was bad at Pep, but aoooarently I was better in water. Using a natural sprint I started swimming in a circle, swimming over and under hearing the netherite sword slash at water. I turned and landed about four hits, maybe more on him pathetic character. This person blew up our base. Stole James Iron armor and tried to kill me. I was able to get him low and he sank to the bottom of the deep river. I landed another hit before I needed to swim up, I was drowning. Trying my best to stay in the water to avoid him, he killed me again, I was never so thankful for those cheats. I always tried to coax those dumbasses out of using op but I'm glad for it now, with my stone axe I leaped off the cliff again. God this guy was a nightmare to get rid of. After using the chat to say a "Please stop abusing operator commands" probably shouldn't have said please, made me sound desperate. 


He turned me to visitor. This meant I was unable to break or place blocks, but I could still die. He surrounded me with TNT and blew me up. The fucking coward! After typing "Coward" In chat, he left the game. I quickly called James as he was afk but didn't leave the world because he wanted me to stay online. I tried to tell him keeping the anger form my voice that someone joined and started to blow up our shit. they got to the base, as my bedroom was in the lowest part of the base I crouched to keep my tag hidden. It worked. This guy was a dumbass. I told James that I thought my bedroom was blown up at the same time, although it was below the main room it was still quite close. James didn't seem as mad as I expected him to be, but I ignored it. Besides, we were both tired. Anyway, by the end of the night and when James got home I went over and brought a freshly iced cake. I'd been meaning to give it, overall the day was alright, James was in creative restoring the base whilst I went to bed. 

I want to set something on fire.

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