Latin Class, New Teacher?

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I walked into the big classroom last, I had no intension of being first. There was a girl, play fighting?"Now I'm mad." she said in a complaining (ish) playful tone. So she sat down in my seat. The seat where I always sit. She looked up at me, I stared at her. I didn't even move. She shuffled away and continued to laugh with her friends. It was a minor gift looking creepy... But I was told (way too much) that my smile and laugh was creepy. I had been used to it by now but it still hurt. Anyway, I hadn't even smiled or laughed so I brushed that aside and sat down in my seat.

Okay, uhh, I'm in latin right now. I never really understood the concept of it, it's cool in a way that I know, I mean every language is practically based off latin. I mean its okay, but I just watch YouTube instead. 

My latin teacher actually got COVID, so now some of the teachers are switching to teach us. Now its an old ass man, he seemed nice at first but he's incredibly rude and strict. A girl was helping someone else and he told them to shut up. God.

I took my headphones off.... Outside it's very noisy. It sounds like its raining, badly. But it's not. I can't stop it... My ears hurt.... I hate being me....

During prayer, the teacher closed his eyes. He's being calm.... I don't like it, he seems like he's about to snap.

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