Prologue or Epilogue

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If you've been a recent reader or follower of this story, I appreciate your read, even though I must criticize your taste. 

If you're finding this story for the first time, you may be confused, so to keep it short; this story used to be a six-parted OTP smutty ramblings of a seventh grader.

I have not been on this account in years. I haven't been active on Wattpad, haven't been that active in any of the fandoms I have been in, in the past, etc.. etc.. However, I did decide to pay this account a visit and I am not proud of my work, to say the least. It's not even the fact that it is the smut written by a girl actively experiencing her sexuality for the first time, but just the fact that it is the BADLY written smut of a girl experiencing her sexuality for the first time, lmao. A lot of the stories I had on my account I now find a little cringe and/or tone deaf, which I want to clear up now before it comes back to haunt me. 

Look at how this aged, Jasper was my favorite couple in the Heroes of Olympus series and *SPOILER IF YOU HAVEN'T READ TRIALS OF APOLLO* 

They're broken up and Jason passed away, just as I have passed from this phase of my life onto the next. 

 I have however, considered a few options on how to move on from here. If this part of the story gains any traction whatsoever, tell me in the comments what you would rather I do from here on out;

1) I can rewrite this story in all its original smutty glory with better writing, more actual sexual experience, more plot, and not so OOC


2) I can write a really difficult-to-write-but-I-am-willing-to-take-the-challenge story about Jason during his time at the all boys school before The Burning Maze. 


3) I can do both :)

Just let me know. I really do appreciate each and every one of you, but I really couldn't have such shoddy writing on my record, haha. Hope you understand, and hope you're excited for things to come.

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