The Catalyst (Nico and Will)

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   (A/N; slight omorashi)

 Nico shifted underneath the black sheets that were standard in the Hades Cabin. With Will Solace's slumbering death grip on him, he could hardly move. Usually he didn't mind the feeling. Will made him feel safe and secure, and even though Nico was undoubtedly the more powerful of the two, he felt protected enough remembering that his solar panel of a boyfriend had verbally assaulted an anemic cult leader for him. Will Sassy Solace was his favorite. 

 Now, however, the death grip was a lot more of an obstacle than a comfort. Nico embarrassingly dug his hand through the sheets to find and grab his crotch to avoid emptying his bladder all over the son of Apollo. He needed to pee. Badly. He figured he had about 2 minutes tops to get out of Solace's grip. He'd worked a double shift the night before. He was staying with Nico, note from his doctor and all that, and he really didn't want to wake him. 

Slowly but surely he slid down ever so slightly , still stuck and tangled within the sheets, pulling Will's arm with him. Will shifted in his sheets and snorted. Nico stilled. 'Shit' he muttered underneath his breath, and grabbed himself with more vigor. He was very close to wetting himself. Nico slid down more, carefully. His plan was to escape Solace's grip vertically, slide out from underneath the sheets, and tiptoe to the restroom, though at this rate he would absolutely have to book it, and he could only hope it wouldn't make too much noise. 

Will tightened his grip just as Nico was about to finally escape his grasp. He could feel the panic start to swell in him along with his bladder on its way to bursting. His eyes were wide as he watched Will's face for movements. His mouth hung open. Snoring away, completely oblivious to his boyfriend's agony. 

In a moment of complete shock, Nico felt a dribble escape him. 'Shit!' he whisper yelled uselessly. He could feel his face heating up. He was trapped. If he woke Will up there was no guarantee that he would make it. If anything, it would only wake his boyfriend to have him witness his absolute embarrassment as he pissed himself. 

He attempted to slide down again, starting the process over little by little, but Will's grip was like a newborns; never going to let up and inhumanly strong. Nico was desperate, he started taking more of a chance on him waking up. He had to get to the bathroom and he had to get there immediately. 

He tried with a little more force to escape Solace. With every squirm he could feel himself leaking.  He whispered anxiously, 'Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.' And with the last expletive, much to his humiliation, a soft hiss sounded off within their shared bed. Nico tried to grab himself and stop the flow. To try and wiggle out like he had been trying, but it was no use. That freckled arm was not letting up, and now Nico was peeing on himself, his boyfriend, and his bed. His face was hot, his eyes were welling with tears; he couldn't believe this was happening. 

He was undeniably happy with Will as his boyfriend, and he watched that happy couple dream shatter as his urine soaked his pajamas, Will's pajamas, and collected in a sizeable puddle that was warm and wet underneath him in the dip of his bed. 

Hot tears streamed down his cheeks as he prepared to be an outcast again. To be exiled due to this horrible mortifying experience. As the last of it tapered off, he let out a small sigh of relief. Followed by more crying when he thought about the way Will could react. 

There was no way for Will not to take notice. He had literally just been pissed on. He shifted, then his beautiful blue eyes fluttered open. He inhaled as he sleepily took in the sight. His eyebrows furrowed immediately and he filled with worry and concern upon seeing Nico crying. He reached up and used the hand that had been holding him to caress his pale face, "What's wrong, mi amor?" he said sleepily, "a nightmare?" Nico had those a lot. 

Nico stammered. His face seemed to get darker red. Suddenly Will felt the, now cold, wet of the pee clinging to his fleece pajamas. He looked down and felt his own face getting flushed. "Oh," he jumped up and started running his hands through his golden curls, "Oh, oh gods, Nico, I am so sorry- I knew I shouldn't have drank all that ambrosia last night-"

Nico's face went blank, "What?" he asked, with tear stains marking his pretty pale cheeks.

"I promise I didn't mean to pee on you babe, oh gods, this is so embarrassing, please don't tell Kayla, she'll never let me hear the end of it-"

Nico cut him off, "As funny as it would be to let you believe that, and as much relief as it would grant me, I can't let you believe this was your fault," he stated, and turned towards the pillow in embarrassment. "This was all me. I-" his voice broke at the shame, "I had an accident." He swallowed hard. He couldn't look at Will. 

Will processed that and Working fast, he took Nico's face in his hands, "hey, hey! Its okay, it happens to the best of us" He started to pull of the soiled sheets, and throw them on the floor. Nico looked up at him incredulously. "You mean, you aren't upset with me?" 

Will gave him a confused look, "Why would I be upset? You're there for me when I mess up. The best I can do is do the same for you." He gave Nico a gentle kiss. "Now lets get cleaned up." 

Nico sniffed and felt his heartbeat slow, now that it wasn't in fear, "Yeah." 

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