The Plateau (Percy and Annabeth)

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Percy could feel his stomach churn. Why, oh, why had he taken Grover up on that enchilada eating contest?! He knew that goat could eat, and yet his pride had gotten the best of him. What had Annabeth said about hubris all those years ago? It was a dangerous attribute to have. Percy was understanding that more now. He had lost and now he had to face the consequences of his actions. Which, at the moment, meant laying in his bunk and feeling the cheese and tortilla fight each other in a death match in his insides. 

He groaned, pulled the dark blue sheets over his head, and closed his eyes, hoping the lack of light would make the nausea subside. It didn't. He was sweating now. 'Alright,' he thought, 'this is happening,' and promptly got out of bed and got to his feet. 

It was nerve wracking trying to find the bathrooms at camp half blood at night. Night bathed all the cabins in complete darkness. In the distance, the forest sounds echoed throughout the valley. The guard harpies pounced around like plump chicken human hybrids. 'Alright,' he thought 'alright, I can do this.' No sooner than taking two steps outside a harpy landed right in front of him. 'Shit, I can't do this.' He stumbled backwards in surprise, landing on his butt back in his cabin. He took riptide from his pocket, attempting to click it, but it fumbled out of his hands in his dizzy stupor and landed a few feet away on the floor. 

"Dam it!" he cursed. Then cursed himself, trying to remember other campers were sleeping. The harpy snarled in front of him, and he briefly considered making a remark about how Harpies should really practice more dental hygiene so their victims would die of being eaten and not their stank breath, but was instantly reminded of why he needed to go to the bathrooms in the first place as an absolutely vile retch escaped his throat. He scooted over ever so slightly to grab his pen as the harpy got closer attempting to follow Percy into his cabin, he clambered to shut the door with his feet, but the harpy was too fast and caught it with its ugly talons. They fought pressure against pressure for a few seconds, buying him time to grab Riptide. He clicked it, letting it grow to its full sword length instantly and letting his foot off the door, causing the harpy to stumble inside onto the floor. He pointed the sword at it, got to his feet, and steadily backed it outside the door, closing it behind him. 

He was prepared to kill it, stab it, watch this chicken turn into dust, but his body had other ideas. His stomach lurched, and he put a hand over his mouth. He circled the harpy with his sword and said "look, I don't have time for this," as if it would understand and bolted in the other direction. 

So much for being understanding, his feet kicked up dust as he bolted to the bathrooms in his plaid pajama pants. Like clockwork, the harpy chased after him. One taloned hand scratching his shoulder. His saving grace? She came out of the bathrooms, armed and ready (and beautiful).

Annabeth Chase stood there with her dagger and struck the bird right in the back, putting an end to it and Percy's misery. Percy keeled over and breathed heavily. "THANK...YOU," he breathed out. She smiled that award winning smirk but he was in no shape to appreciate it. "Anytime Seaweed Brai-" she didn't even finish getting to accept that compliment on her handywork before his 12 half digested enchiladas came up on him and Annabeth's PJs. 

Oh he was never going to live this down.

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