The Climax (Jason and Piper)

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      Piper sighed.  Beside her Jason slept quietly, his corn silk color hair shining in the light of the swirling storm clouds on the ceiling. She had awoken suddenly in the night, likely by a crack of thunder. What a shame, she had been slumbering so peacefully, though maybe it was a good thing since she would have to leave here early to avoid being eaten by the harpies and/or given a good talking to by Chiron or (Gods, please, anyone but him) Mr. D. Right now, however, she felt content to lay in Jason's arms just a little longer. Big, muscular, bare arms. Smooth as milk, marred by the occasional scar. She brushed her finger against one lightly, before pulling her hand back.

      'Woah,' She thought, 'hold your horses, Mclean.' It wasn't as if she was currently thinking of Jason's bare body in an inappropriate way, no certainly not! This also was not a repeat offense for her, of course. She knew as well as Jason did that two campers alone in a cabin was a Camp no-no. 

     Those campers being found alone together taking part in non-camp sanctioned activities would be an even bigger one. 

     But unfortunately, and honestly, that threat was not stopping her mind from traveling where it seldom did when it came to her very tall, very handsome, boyfriend. Which was not helped when Jason suddenly shifted in his sleep. She attempted to be as still as possible, hoping he wouldn't wake so early and she could stay admiring his pretty porcelain color face. Instead, he shifted again, and mumbled some words. She wasn't able to decipher all of them, but she did catch one, "Piper..." softly spoken before he proceeded to turn away from her. Damn, she thought and kissed the dream of admiring Jason's high cheek bones until sunrise goodbye. 

     Another thought occurred to her though. What had he been dreaming about that had caused him to say her name? Was it a nightmare? Demigods were often subject to those. Not to mention, her and Jason had been through a lot together, was he dreaming of an unfortunate experience involving her? She thought briefly of waking him up when he moaned softly. Moaned. Piper could scarcely believe her ears. Maybe it was in pain?

    He spoke a few more phrases ever quietly into his pillow. Piper caught an "Oh, Gods..." and a sultry "Don't stop." She swallowed. There was no way this was happening. There was no way her very attractive boyfriend was laying half-nude beside her, in this unforgivingly stiff twin-size bed, and having a sex dream about her. But there he was. He turned over again, and she was acutely aware of a newly developed hardness, poking her in the right thigh. She decided with annoyance it must be her mother at work. But then again, maybe this was the one thing they could agree on. 

    Jason Grace was very fuckable. Apparently,  he thought she was too. To the point where it was invading his dreams. His eyes were shut tightly, the pupils underneath them darting to and fro; R.E.M. sleep, Piper had remembered learning about in the camp class on Morpheus, the Greek god of dreams. She knew in her head that humans hadn't necessarily been proven to consciously detect pheromones, but she was detecting. The pheromones coming from the both of them were palpable. Her legs rubbed together impulsively, seeking some kind of friction. Her hand floated down to her powder blue pajama shorts. 

     "No," she thought, pulling her hand back up her stomach, "I can't do this. What if he wakes up?" Piper would be eternally embarrassed. Her and Jason could surely not return to normal after that. It could ruin everything. Jason groaned, his erection brushing against her underneath the sheets. She stifled a sigh of ecstasy. If she wasn't hot and bothered before, she definitely was now. Her legs rubbed together harder, begging for something between them. ''Fuck it," she thought, and slipped her hand underneath the waistband of her pajama shorts. She figured if anything, Jason could be talked out of believing he had seen anything. She really didn't favor the thought of using her charm speak on him, but a girl had to do what she had to do. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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