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      Jason lay on his poor excuse for a bed in the Zeus Cabin, well, more or less a cabin. It felt more like a divine babysitting chamber with the big statue of his father right in the middle. He still despised that thing and could confirm that his real father didn't really favor the statue at all. The dome head of the building flashed with lighting, spiraling in a slow, circular motion, which made Jason yawn. He had always found thunderstorms comforting. 

He looked to his cot where had taken a chance on inviting one of the prettiest girls at camp to stay the night. He had spent the last few months attempting to balance his grief over Leo, and his gratitude to the gods for finally getting a peaceful moment or two alone with Piper. Or three or four or more. Gods, more and more. Now he held her close to his chest, as she slept softly with that gentle breath in through her nose and out through her mouth he'd observed several months ago when they got lost in that warehouse on their first quest. That seemed like ages ago. He wanted to cherish every moment. They would have to get up and rush her out as swiftly and subtly as possible before sunrise if they wanted to avoid getting into trouble. All while dodging the harpy supervisors. As bold as he was becoming, he wasn't ready to face Chiron and re-live the embarrassing sex-ed lesson he had to live through at Camp Jupiter. Gods, Gaius Vitellius Reticulus spared absolutely no details.

    Ever since he had chosen his Greek side, he had become more impulsive. The camp and his fellow camp mates must have been influencing him in someway. That's the only reason he would have begun to do what he had done. He could see Piper's bare softly curved body from his dreams, and still feel the soft skin of her belly underneath that gods forsaken traffic cone orange, camp half blood shirt. It looked great on her, and only her, but more and more these days, Jason thought she might look better if it were off. 

  Piper stirred in her sleep. Jason attempted to push those feelings away. He didn't want to rush emotionally or physically. The kiss on the roof of this very cabin had marked when they had started over. By that logic, they had only dated about a month, but Jason could feel himself drowning in her essence like the poison back in Rome. 'It must be a Venus thing.' He figured. Her moms freaky pheromones were dragging him into an undertow of lust, and he had been a willing victim. For a girl like her, who wouldn't be? 

But just like the electricity rolling through his veins like thunder, it was something he had to control. 

  With her pulled in close to his chest, keeping him ever warmer on this sticky summer night, he quietly drifted off to sleep, with the visions of Piper's gentle touches and kisses to keep him company. 

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