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here's my social media accs if you didnt know :D

ig - parkjisung.a
twt - andyparkishere

- ji



andy 👾

Active now

hi lele

andy is your english name??

yup :)

woah coolllll

anyway do you have something
to ask me?

i thought call?

oh shit yeah

lol i forgot lmao

andy 👾 is calling you
Accept or Decline

Uhm- Hello?

❝Hi Jisung❞

Hi, Lele... heh. You can ask me
questions now.

❝Right! Right! So, anyway, why don't you like dates?❞

I'm afraid that they might stood me up... Happened to me before, and from that day, I told myself that I never ever go on dates... I know it's not that deep, but yeah...

So, if you ask me out on a date, I will decline it...

❝Oh fuck-❞

Wait! But for the past month, you have been this boy who has been passing me notes, asking if I can go out with you, and from that, I knew that you will never leave me hanging on a relationship.

❝So, does this mean...❞

Yes, Chenle... Neo by the Beach, 7 PM... Don't be late. Bye.

Call Ended

bro idfk what is this HASHAHSAB

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