if it was up to me

21 0 0

maybe i should just quit school. i can not take another year with this bitch i swear to god.


maybe im cursed. yeah, im cursed.

"fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck" i mutter, scrambling to a seat far away from.. him, which happened to be next to a purple haired boy.

i was visibly shaking apparently because the boy turned to me.

"hey uh, are you alright? shit that probably made it worse but im bad at this shit.." he said

i turned to face him, finally noticing all his features. grey eyes, with dark eyebags under them. a slit in his eyebrows, wearing a mcr shirt with a striped long tee under it, with a few silver chains and chokers. honestly he was kinda hot but thats not the point.

i shook my head no, looking over to where he sat. he turned to see where i was looking and somehow he instantly understood. "you're having a panic attack, do you have bad history with the blondie over there?" he said calmly, i shook my head yes in response.

he grabbed my hand, "come with me, ill help you okay?" i nodded.

he got up and pulled me with him, walking out into the hallway, still holding my hand. "im hitoshi shinou by the way, you dont have to tell me your name right now."

he dragged me into the bathroom and we sat on the floor, facing eachother. he grabbed both of my hands this time, and i looked into his sunken eyes.

"here, breathe in for four, hold for four, and out for four, ill do it with you, okay?" i nodded.

we did the breathing excersize for a few minutes till my breathing finally steadied.

"thank you, im izuku midoria by the way. sorry i didnt tell you earlier."

"hey its fine, i told you you didnt have to respond."

"how did you know how to do that?"

"lets just say ive had a few myself."

"ahh, i see."

i smiled gently, looking directly into his eyes again. 

god damn.

"you want to go back now?" i scooted closer to him

"please just stay for a minute. i cant deal with that shit right now"

"fair enough."

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