you wont be missed

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sero arrived at his house, taking out the keys and unlocking the door.

"welcome to my house n shit"

i looked around, it was nice. most of the walls were painted dark grey and there was LED lights around most of the walls, illuminating the house. it basically looked like a gamer and alt kinda paradise. especially after seeing his room holy shit. 

"and now time for the magic to happen" he said, pulling his key back out

"you need a key for this room?" denki aksed

"one, i dont like people coming to visit entering and messing with the shit, two, the things i do arent always legal"

he opened the door and led us into a room with a few computers and a bunch of papers everywhere.

"you werent kidding" denki stated

he flopped into the chair and turned around

"account name?"

ochako pulled it up and showed him her phone

"alright and where does he live?" 

"oh its xxx streetname drive" denki exclaimed

"cool." sero then started doing his shit

a few hours later sero got in and pulled up shinsou's DMs

we all looked at them

"they literally hadent talked in years till shinsou needed whatevers going on apparently" sero stated

he moved out of the way and let me and denki go up

we read and read till the convo had stopped

"i was right."

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