you make me hard

21 0 0

its later again and the bell is about to ring for our last class. thank fucking god.

im watching the seconds tick by till

"3...2...1..." the bell rings

i threw my bag over my shoulders and took off, shinsou followed behind me.

"damn you were ready to leave, fair enough though."

"yeah, not how i expected today to go."

"hey uh, how bout i give you my number and we can walk together for a while or something"

"oh, yeah sure!"

shinsou handed me his phone and i typed the number in mine, gently taking it back when i finished typing. 

he smiled, "cool. i'll text you later izuku." he said turning over and waving

"bye" i said waving back and smiling like an idiot

i arrived home and threw my bag in my room, changing my clothes to something more comfy.

"how was school sweetie?" my mom called from the kitchen

"its was okay-ish mama"

"okay-ish? no, you get in here and tell me what happened izuku midoria."

i sighed, walking out and sitting next to her on the couch, laying my head on her chest. she played with my hair and told her that katsuki apparently applied to the school aned made it too and how i had i panic attack.

"oh my god, im so sorry zuku sweetie, are you okay"

"yeah mama, i made a new friend, hitoshi shinou, he helped me through it"

"oh really?" she said with a certain tone in her voice.

"yesss mama" i said in the other tone

we both giggled. "i love you mama"

"i love you too izuku"

------(skip to a little bit later)-----

i layed on my bed, bored as hell. i opened my messages, seeing his number first. i winced and clicked the profile, blocking the contact.

then i thought, clicking on a diffrent contact and texting on the newly aquired phone number. 

'hey, this is shinou right? wanted to make sure i got the number right :P' 

that was a total lie and a failed attempt at flirting

a few seconds later i got a text back

 'yeah its me lmao'

'neat, so like, what are you doing right now'

'nothing really'

'im bored'

'wanna call?'

i flushed, its only been a few hours why am i being like this

'yeah sure'

my heart raced as i stared at the screen with anticipation

then i saw the button and jumped, yet slid the awnser button.

"heyy izukuu"


i heard him snicker from the other side of the screen "how are you?"

"better now"

"thats good"

i smiled "yeah, in fact i just blocked him"

"heh, neat."

we sat in silence for a while before he asked "hey you wanna turn this into a facetime?"

i panicked "uh yEah sure-"

immedietly he turned his camera on and hoLY FUCK.


i think he saw me staring cause he said "someones suddenly excited"

i flushed brighter "shut the up"


we both laughed.

we talked for forever, till i fell asleep on the call at least.

and when i woke up, it was still going.

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