-Chapter Eighteen-

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Dream and Tubbo were playing chess. both being pretty good it was so far an even game. It was pretty chill before Tommy ran into the room. "DREAM. YOU MIGHT WANNA COME BEFORE WILBUR DIES" Tommy wasn't worried thought he was laughing his ass off. Dream chuckled and turned to Tubbo "See you later Tubbo." Dream quickly moved a piece and got Tubbo in checkmate making boy sigh in defeat. "And it's better for you if you don't tell anyone...You know.." Of course Tubbo knew, it was the one thing that he had never told Tommy and it killed him. The boy just nodded as Dream ran out the door with Tommy in front and Feather hobbling behind. "So- Basically Techno is really angry at both you and Wilbur. More angry at Wil. And he wants you back as soon as possible" Tommy giggled as they got closer they saw a horse. "He let you use Carl??" Dream was really surprised Carl was Technos best horse. "Like I said... He really wants you back right now-" The blond boy said that nervously. Tommy jumped onto Carl and Dream sat behind him. Feather had to run on the ground to the best of his abilities.

And hour later the two were close, "You might wanna just go right in i'll untack." Dream nodded his head and let out a breathy laugh. They heard Feather running behind them and breathing heavily. As the horse skidded to a stop Dream threw his leg over the horse and jumped off walking up the stairs laughing at Tommy struggling with Carl.

"WILBUR I SWEAR TO GOD IF DREAM IS HURT OR BACK IN PRISON YOU ARE GETTING HIM OUT YOURSELF THEN IM KILLING YOU." Dream walked in to Wilbur on the ground Techno over top of him with his boot at Wilbur's neck. "Jesus christ Techno- I'm not a child" Dream said crossing his arms and pouting, still having a slight smile   at the scene he had walked into.

"Dream I told you not to go out alone.." Phil spoke as he walked into the room. "I wasn't alone! Eryn was there... And Feather!! Then I was with Tubbo and Micheal." The older man shook his head and sighed, "Dream. I have one rambunctious teenager. I don't need another who literally has OP." Tommy walked in while Phil was ending his sentence "Oh! I had OP once. IT WAS SO POG! I FLEW! And tried to get a bunch of diamonds and netherite as well" Dream couldn't help but giggle remembering what Tommy was talking about. Phil just let out another sigh of exhaustion. Wilbur gasped as Techno took his foot off of him.

"Let's go Dream. I need to check out your arm" Techno spoke as he looked down at Wilbur, The brunette looked like a toddler pouting. Dream had to cover his mouth to keep him from laughing. "Wilbur stays here." Said man just grunted at the statement and walked to the kitchen.

As Techno passed by Dream he grabbed Dreams hood to get him to walk "EY-" The pinkette didn't speak though, just continued to walk letting go of the hood.

Finally the man spoke after a couple minute. "How did your arm feel." Dream looked back to the things had done while on the trip, In his defence he tried his best to go easy on his arm, but even when he was only using one arm going through the trees his other arm still tensed and strained. "It was alright! Didn't do anything stupid!" Which was half a truth.. He really was alright!

Techno gave Dream a knowing look but left it alone. his thoughts proabbly went along the lines of 'if this dumbass homesless teletubby does one more stupid thing i'm locking him outside in the snow to freeze' Well- probably not that extreme after everything they went through to get him out but. SOMETHING ALONG THOSE LINES ALRIGHT?!

Dream smiled at Techno, "sooo." Dream placed his good arm on his knee and but his chin in his hand. "You do care about me." Dream winked at him in a playful way, which caused a wave of embarrassment and blush run over the piglins face. "Your a big softy!" Dream giggled at the man's reaction to his teasing. He knew Techno didn't show his affection the same way Dream did. Where the blond rathers physical touch and late night talks, Techno rathers someone who is honest and will fight him of course. The pinkette despised touch, unless it's from Phil or Dream. Which makes the blond want to squeal whenever Techno lets him cuddle.

"Sure. Whatever you need to think to make your ego bigger" Techno tried to deflect forcing the blush off his face and back to his to most menacing look. "Awee piggy is in denial!" Dream covered his mouth and laughed.. well- wheezed. -man sounded like the life from him was deflating - "Sure smiles." Techno rolled his eyes and gave the blond a small smirk. The two stayed in the room for a while talking, Dream forced Techno to cuddle him and Techno forced Dream to let him worry over his arm. The two hadn't realized how long they were until the door slammed open to reveal the one and only!

Wilbur! :)

As the door opened Wilbur's jaw dropped, he faked sadness "Dreamie how could you! I thought we bonded again over our small trip!" Wilbur jutted out his bottom lip which made a giggle slip from Dream if he wanted it to or not. Dream shook his head at his.. Ex?... frenemy? friend? he isn't sure what Wilbur is. All he knows is he likes the man's touch and he's not a threat right now.

"Anyways. Phil told me to come get you guys for dinner" Wilbur shrugged his shoulders and pointed to the kitchen. Dream gave him a half assed smile and nodded, Grabbing Technos hand to pull the slightly older man. and once they reached Wilbur, Dream grabbed his hand and dragged him too.

When they got down to the table they saw Phil and Tommy already sat down, then 5 other spots set out. Dreams best guess it was for him, Techno, Wilbur, Ranboo and Niki...if she comes. Techno went and sat next to Phil which left Dream to sit next to Wilbur and Tommy. As Phil stood he walked to the kitchen and came back out holding food and some being held by his wings. All the food looked amazing! There was a chicken, steak, bread and butter, a salad, it all looked great till one particular good was placed in front of Dream. A nice steamy bowl of.. MASHED POTATOES.

Dream looked up at Phil and Techno, extremely offended. "PHILZA." Dream picked the bowl up and looked the other way at the smell. Sure.. it smelled much better than the half raw half cooked potatoes he had but.. it's gonna be a while till he can even stand the look let alone the smell. Phil laughed and took the bowl from the male who looked like he was about to hurl. "gross." Dream mumbled under his breath which Wilbur had caught and couldn't help but laugh.

The group- no....

The family...


The family sat at the table enjoying their meal, laughing and joking with eachother. Enjoying the peace. Or.. What peace they had.

There was suddenly a knock on the door.


Love y'all! And to those who saw the sneak peak😂 I guess ur lucky? u had a little preview of half of the chapter! 😁

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