Mirabel can be a sweetie and a baddie :0

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TW: blood, Mirabel, grahic images, bones, skin, eating bones, bugs

she screamed.... but it wasnt an ordianeay scream.

She had the voixce of arinan agarama.

Everyone around our neighborhood fell asleep except for us. But then she screamed like a devil baddie. Everyone's ears started to bledd axcept for ours. We looked at her and she had black lipstick and she had a nose ring. "STOP MIRBAEKLLA" we screamed but she didnt. Suddenly mama started running to he basement to get her bootle. I pulled her from the roof and something terrible happened. The skin on her back ripped off and she only hjad bones left



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Her after:

Her after:

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She broke her hands knees fce head brain arms  back upper back knees legs feek toes fignys larynx nose jaw skull

bugs went into her skull and started eating her bones

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