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A/N: Hello hello Inside Out fandom, long time no see... remember me? I've returned to deliver what will most likely be my last multi-chapter fanfic for a while. And that is by rewriting the first fanfic I published online. XD I hope you enjoy this rewrite :D If you haven't read the original... eh, don't. It sucks lol. Happy reading!


I closed my eyes for another minute. I wanted to feel the wind in my hair, the cool breeze against my skin. For just a little longer, I wanted to keep pretending everything was okay.


I opened my eyes, bracing against the building behind me. The glass was cool against my fingers, the ground trembling from the hordes walking by. The woman who stood there was almost my reflection: long, blonde hair and crisp, blue eyes. Skin was fair and wrinkled, and a dark blue cardigan dressed her slouched shoulders. I fingered my own hair; blue danced around the edges, matching my sleeves. I was still a bit below her eye level.

"Mom?" I looked up.

Mom handed me a few dollars. "Could you go and get some groceries, dear? I have a new job interview in an hour."

I gazed over the money in my hand. So precious, yet at the end of the day, it was merely coloured paper. Coloured paper my family lacked in droves.

On the other hand, a job interview was good news. Did it mean...

Mom put her hand on my shoulder. "I'm sure I'll get this one, Ed. Stay hopeful. Your father will be at home if you need anything."

That's right... my father. He'd lost his job a few months ago, and had gotten sick not long afterwards. He was now a stay at home father, although he spent most of his time in bed. At least my dog Lulu was there to keep an eye on him.

"Got it," I nodded.

Mom kissed my head. "I'll see you soon."

She raced off, disappearing into the sea of people. I grimaced, bowing my head. Now that I was back to reality, I couldn't escape the scent of the sewers or exhaust from cars racing by. The crowds grew heavier and heavier. I shook my hair out of my face, sighing. Plastic bangles clanking against my wrists, I began my trek to the nearest convenience store.


The city was a shark tank; I was a dwarf in a sea of Snow Whites. Luckily, the store itself was not too busy; the cashier seemed more interested in their phone than anything else. I headed to the back of the store, fingering the money in my blue pocket. I grabbed a loaf of bread and some milk, heading to the front of the store.

And then I stopped. A pink flash caught my attention; a woman dressed in a shimmering pink dress, followed by just-as-smartly dressed occupants. She was... beautiful. Even within the crowds, she stuck out like a sore thumb. My hands began to shake.

Imagine the cost of that dress...

I bit my lip. Focus, Ed. Focus on yourself.

I went up to the cashier and paid for the food. I headed outside, clinging onto the plastic bag like a lifeline. I may not have had an expensive dress, but what did stand out was the birthmark right under my eye. It was like a battle scar, almost. All the times at school I'd made up stories about the crazy fights I'd been in...

I sighed. The only person that never believed them was Jesse, yet he was the one I became friends with.

I got out my phone; the screen was covered in cracks and the battery went out in ten seconds, but dammit, the thing helped me stay sane. I pulled up the messenger app and wrote a text to my dad:

Me: Coming home soon!

Dad: Ok sweetie xx

He attached a goofy selfie with Lulu. I had to smile.

I put my phone in my pocket and my trek began once more. I walked and walked past the crowds and looming buildings, reaching a crossing. Jaywalkers were everywhere but I was a law abiding citizen; I wouldn't fall to that level. Besides, I didn't trust cars in this city.

I walked across the road, twirling the bag between my fingers, the stoplight flashing red. I avoided eye contact with the others around me, breathing in slowly.

I reached the end of the crossing; I'd made it to the other side! I dug into my pockets with a sigh of relief.

... and then that relief vanished when I realised my phone was no longer there.

I gasped, spinning around. My eyes scanned the streets for the cracked device; I spotted it, in the center of the crossing. The lights would turn green any second.

My body trembled. I couldn't let a car run over my phone; there was no way we'd be able to get a new one.

I swallowed. No...

I ran for it. As fast as I could, I reached the center of the road, the lights flashing to green. I grabbed the device, breathing out in relief.

I turned to run away, but something was even faster than I was. It was a car, zooming towards me. It was coming even faster than I could imagine. I wanted to cry out, but it was too late.

No no no...


Pain roared through my body. My head was going to explode; my heart was about to burst. The world faded to black.



Darkness. Darkness. Darkness.

Then colour. No, multiple colours. Red, green, yellow, blue, purple. They became these shapes, these humanoid, strange, alien shapes.

What were they, who were they, where was I?

The shapes were reaching out, colours mixing together. Voices thrummed through the air.

"Is Edaliyah okay?" one of them asked.

"Is she dead?!" another gasped.

"Of course not," one rolled their eyes. "Then we'd be dead."

The shapes stepped into the light. They had faces, bodies, clothes, lives... they were... human?

"Who are you...?" I stumbled backwards.

They peered down at me. "We are your emotions."

The People Inside Your Head [Inside Out]Where stories live. Discover now