Forgotten Memory

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My whole world was shattering apart. I didn't know what to feel.

My emotions were gone. They had been pushed into the memory dump, left to be forgotten.

I was a soulless husk. A meat puppet, a void without a soul.

"See?" Love put her arms around me. "You're fine. Everything is okay."

I gazed out at my Islands of Personality. They didn't mean anything to me anymore.

I was nothing.

"Love..." Disgust croaked. My only remaining emotion.

... and yet she was broken too.

Love walked towards her, a snarl on her face.

"You broke my trust," she snapped. "I thought you cared about me."

Disgust held up her fists. "Of course I care about you. But I have to do what's best for Edaliyah. And you... you're a danger to our girl."

She stood up tall, despite her shaking arms. I gasped. There, I felt it - a sense of urgency, a sense of life. Despite everything, Disgust was still willing to protect me.

I had to do something. This was my mind, my emotions... I would not let Love take it over. I was the one in charge... not her.

I forced myself to stand. I gazed at the shattered window, narrowing my eyes. I passed by Disgust.

"Get her down," I uttered.

Disgust gave me a strange look.

"Ed?" Love asked.

I stormed towards the window. I peered down into the darkness below.

I took a deep breath. Bottom's up...

"Goodbye, Love," I spoke.

Love gasped. "What are you-"

And I jumped into the darkness.

Falling, falling, falling. I couldn't see a thing, only pitch black.

I crashed into the forgotten memories. It was a wasteland down there; dark, gray blobs, stretching out for infinity. Once you were there you were never going back. You were nothing but a forgotten memory.

I forced myself to stand.

"Guys?" I called out, looking for my missing emotions.

I shoved past all the forgotten memories; they seemed to dissipate in my hands. I kept moving.

"Guys!" I called out again.


A weary, tired voice. It came from none other than Joy, who limped towards me. She was still glowing... but it seemed more dim than before. Clearly, this horrible place was taking a lot out of her.

"Joy!" I reached out for her.

"Oh my goodness!" another voice squeaked. "Eddy!"

Fear came racing over, her eyes bulging wide.

"What are you doing down here?!" she screamed.

"Dammit..." Anger muttered, walking over. "Now we're done for."

Sadness was the last to arrive. She sniffled, wiping her eyes. I gave her a friendly smile, which only served to make her cry harder.

"Listen," I spread my arms. "Love can't do anything if I'm down here. She'll have no choice but to come and get me."

"Wait wait wait," Fear interrupted. "So you... jumped down here... intentionally?!"

Anger bared her teeth. "Eddy, I love you... BUT WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?"

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