Going Down

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We managed to get ourselves out of Dream Productions, avoiding mind workers, security guards, and oversized dream props. Disgust was ahead, her small hands clenched into tight fists. Sadness straggled behind, giving me sympathetic glances.

I swallowed as we made it out of the studio. I was not looking forward to going to the Subconscious. I wasn't sure what to expect, but according to Love it was a 'dastardly, horrible place', so I wasn't exactly thrilled.

"You know where the Subconscious is?" I asked Disgust.

"Of course," she sighed. "It's a bit of a trek from here. That's why we should get a move on."

She trotted ahead, swishing her hair. Sadness and I followed after her, gazing at each other.

"What exactly is the Subconscious?" I asked.

Sadness hesitated. "... honestly, Edaliyah... the less you know, the better."

I grimaced, thinking of Love's words once more.

The Subconscious is in the deepest part of your mind... and thus, holds your deepest and darkest fears. Your trauma, your fear, your pain... everything is there, my dear.

"Will we really be able to unlock my coma, like Love said?" I asked.

"We don't have a choice otherwise," Disgust jumped in. "As strange as she can be, Love knows what she's talking about. I'll vouch for that much."

Her shoulders were hunched, almost like her backpack was a stack of bricks weighing her down. Still, she continued moving; we passed by the abstract thought building once again. I could see the SIS in the distance; what I would have given to go back there. What I would have given to sink back into that couch, and forget that anything else mattered.

And forget reality? What about your family, your friends?

I bit my lip. The voice was right.

I picked up my pace, making sure Sadness was still behind me.

"Mom and Dad must be worried sick..." she sighed. "They probably think we're dead..."

"Yeah," I bowed my head.

We walked in silence for a while, passing by the leagues of memory shelves. I forced myself to look away; I couldn't afford to get distracted. My heart was heavy, eyeing Disgust as she trailed ahead.

"Sadness?" I asked.

"Hmm?" Sadness looked up at me.

"You mentioned Joy... did something to Love," I replied. "What was that all about?"

Sadness dipped her head. "I don't think Disgust would want me to tell you."

"Why not?" I asked. "Was it something really bad?"

Sadness looked away again.

"It's... complicated," she muttered. "Joy... she means well. She would never want to hurt you. She just wants you to be happy."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

Sadness put her hands together.

"Well, you see, the thing about Love is..." she bit her lip.

"Hold on," Disgust spoke up. "This is gonna be a little tricky to access."

She was pointing to a narrow stairway. Mind workers stood in front of it, giving us the stink eye. Red signs were around it, leaning against the walls. In bright text they read, NO ENTRY, CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION.

"There are gonna be a lot of guards standing in our way," Disgust sighed, bowing her head. "I knew this wouldn't be easy..."

"Can't we explain our situation?" I asked.

"If they'll believe us," Disgust huffed. "Most mind workers are pretty... pragmatic, to say the least. They're used to seeing ridiculous stuff, so they'll probably just think you're another mind worker in a costume or something."

"... seriously?" I asked.

She walked over to the guards, arms crossed. Sadness and I stood behind her, glancing at each other. The guards were big and blue, large arms crossing their circular bodies. Dark eyes peered at us from behind their sunglasses.

"Sorry, can't let you continue," one of the guards said. "Off-limits."

"We're on an important mission," Disgust replied. "We need to access the Subconscious; it's life or death."

"Yeah," I stepped forward. "It's my mind; I should be allowed to go where I please!"

"Puh-lease," the other guard rolled their eyes. "We get that every other week. I'll give you credit, kid... that's a pretty decent costume. But not decent enough to fool us."

I couldn't believe Disgust had been right about that...

"It's not a costume," I huffed. "I don't know how, but... after that car hit me, my consciousness ended up inside my own mind! And we have to get me to the Subconscious so I can go home!"

"This is the stupidest story I've ever heard," the first guard chuckled. "Gosh, kid, you're a real comedian!"

I dug my nails into my palms. I felt like anger; a small, red brick full of rage, ready to explode any moment.

"Love sent us," Sadness spoke up.

The guards immediately stopped laughing, turning their attention onto her. There was a tense silence.

"Love, huh?" the second guard asked. "Well... why didn't ya say so."

They moved out of the way. Disgust gave Sadness a look. I felt my own arms tensing up.

What kind of connections does Love have here...?

Disgust moved forward, eyeing the two guards. Sadness and I followed shortly after. I gulped, taking in a sip of some water. My throat was still dry.

The narrow stairway seemed to go on forever. I braced against the cream wall, a grey rail snaking just around my waist. I could see Headquarters looming above, as well as the Islands of Personality. The memory dump stood below, grey memories covering its dark underneath. I shuddered, forcing myself to look away. It was the same as a graveyard, a reminder, but also a forgotten memory. Something that would never see the light of life again.

Sadness tugged on my arm; I gave her a small smile. Despite being the embodiment of my sadness, she was surprisingly reassuring.

The stairway twisted around the wall a bit more, finally reaching a flat space at the bottom, the memory dump still visible. There stood a chain and bolted door; the biggest door I'd ever seen, looming above. It made me wonder, what such a powerful door kept locked away...

Two more guards stood in front of it, much smaller than the other ones. Similar red signs were there as well.

"Sorry," one of them spoke. "No en-"

Disgust approached them, eyes narrowed. "Love sent us."

The mind workers grimaced at each other. "Well... if you say so..."

The looming doors began to open up, shadows pouring out from within the darkness. I shivered. There was no going back.

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