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My head was spinning. I couldn't see anything outside of a lonely, white void.


Who was that? My mother? My father?


No... it was someone else. Their voice was familiar... too familiar...

"Ed! You can't go yet!"

My eyes fluttered open. A green hand was on my shoulder.

"Huh...?" I blinked.

I observed my surroundings. Wait. I remembered this place... the memories, the islands, the control panel... my emotions... I was in Headquarters! Inside... inside my own mind!

I'm not home after all...

The emotion in front of me was none other than Disgust, her eyes wide.

"Disgust...?" I croaked. "What... what's going on?"

"So you're finally awake!"

I sat up, eyes widening. That sing-song, chipper, but painfully high voice...

"Love!" I gasped.

Love stood in front of me, grinning wide. Her long, blue dress flowed out around her. In one hand she carried a white staff, the tip resembling shredded ice. She was beautiful... yet terrifying at the same time.

Disgust stayed in front of me, cowering up at Love.

"What's going on here?" I asked.

Love chuckled. My head thumped.

"I have to thank you, dear Edaliyah," she twirled her cane. "Unlocking the Subconscious finally gave me the power to take back what was rightfully mine!"

"No!" another familiar voice - it was Fear!

Her voice came from the window - she, Anger, Joy and Sadness had been tied up. They were dangerously close to the drop... straight down to the Memory Dump.

Disgust was shaking, despite her poker face.

"What have you done...?" I looked up at Love.

"I told you," Love chuckled. "I took back what was rightfully mine! Disgust knows, don't you?"

Disgust glowered at the ground, clenching her fists.

"Yeah," she huffed.

"And now, for the final step," Love pointed her staff at me. "Sending you back home!"

"Sending me back...?" I asked.

"Of course," Love grinned. "I told you, my plan works! You'll be back with your family in no time, Ed!" She grunted, side-eyeing the emotions. "Well, you were supposed to go home when you unlocked that door, but those pesky emotions got in the way... no matter, though!" She clapped. "Better late than never!"

"I'll get to go home...?" I asked.

Love nodded. "Right away!"

"No!" Disgust cried. "I mean... not yet! I have to show Ed something important!"

Love glowered at her. "Something 'important'?"

"It'll be quick," Disgust grabbed my hand. "Don't you want her to remember how you saved her?"

Saved me...?

Disgust was still shaking.

"It's not like we can escape," she shrugged, sweating. "You could find us in a second."

The People Inside Your Head [Inside Out]Where stories live. Discover now